首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >The use of an online three-dimensional model improves performance in ultrasound scanning of the spine: a randomized trial.

The use of an online three-dimensional model improves performance in ultrasound scanning of the spine: a randomized trial.


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The use of ultrasound for neuraxial blockade is a new application of technology that is rapidly becoming accepted as a standard of care. This new skill has shown to improve success, but it is a challenge to teach. To assist with teaching the use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia of the lumbar spine, we have developed an interactive educational model ( http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/vspine or http://www.usra.ca/vspine.php ). In this study, we aimed to determine whether use of this model for a two-week period would improve the performance of novice operators in determining defined landmarks during real-time ultrasound imaging of the lumbar spine.We evaluated the educational benefit of the ultrasound module by randomly assigning 16 postgraduate first-year (PGY1) anesthesia residents to either a control group with password-protected access to only the lumbar anatomy module or to an intervention group with access to the complete module. All residents had access to the module for two weeks following a full-day workshop that is part of the university teaching program which consists of a didactic lecture on ultrasound-facilitated neuraxial anesthesia, mentored teaching on cadaveric spine dissections, and hands-on ultrasound scanning of live models. At the end of the two weeks, the performance of the residents was evaluated using a 12-item task-specific checklist while carrying out a scout scan on a live model.The control group had a median score of 5.5 (25(th) percentile: 4, 75(th) percentile: 18), while the intervention group had a median score of 11.5 (25(th) percentile: 8, 75(th) percentile: 12) in the task-specific checklist, with a significant difference of 6 (confidence interval 1.5 to 10.5) between groups (P = 0.021).Our results show superior performance by the residents who had access to both components of the module, indicating that access to the interactive ultrasound spine module improves knowledge and skills prior to clinical care.
机译:超声用于神经阻滞是一项新的技术应用,已迅速被接受为护理标准。这种新技能已显示出可以提高成功的能力,但这是一个挑战。为了协助在腰椎区域麻醉中教授超声的使用,我们开发了一种交互式教育模型(http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/vspine或http://www.usra.ca/vspine。 php)。在这项研究中,我们旨在确定在腰椎实时超声成像过程中使用此模型两周是否可以提高新手操作者在确定定义的界标时的性能。我们评估了超声模块的教育效益通过将16名研究生一年级(PGY1)麻醉患者随机分配到仅使用密码保护的腰部解剖模块访问权限的对照组或可以访问完整模块的干预组。在大学教学计划的全日讲习班之后,所有居民都可以使用该模块两周。该讲习班是关于超声促进的神经麻醉的教学讲座,关于尸体解剖的指导教学以及动手超声扫描现场模型。在两周结束时,在对生活模型进行童子军扫描时,使用12个项目的特定任务清单对居民的表现进行了评估。对照组的中位数为5.5(25%) :4、75(百分位数):18),而干预组在特定任务清单中的中位数为11.5(25(百分位数):8、75(百分位数):12),差异显着两组之间有6分(置信区间1.5到10.5)(P = 0.021)。我们的结果表明,能够使用该模块的两个组件的居民均具有出色的表现,这表明使用交互式超声脊柱模块可以在学习之前提高知识和技能。临床护理。



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