首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Effects of sevoflurane on carrageenan- and fentanyl-induced pain hypersensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats.

Effects of sevoflurane on carrageenan- and fentanyl-induced pain hypersensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats.


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PURPOSE: Opioids are widely used for anesthesia but paradoxically induce postoperative pain hypersensitivity via N-methyl-D: -aspartate (NMDA) receptor modulation. Sevoflurane effects on opioid-induced hyperalgesia have not been yet evaluated in vivo. Nevertheless, some experimental in vitro studies reported anti-NMDA receptor properties for sevoflurane. The aim of this study was to evaluate sevoflurane effects on fentanyl-induced hyperalgesia in opioid-naive rats and in rats with inflammatory pain. METHODS: Sevoflurane effects on hyperalgesia were evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats: opioid-naive rats, rats treated with fentanyl (4 x 60 microg kg(-1)) and rats with inflammatory pain (carrageenan) treated with fentanyl (4 x 60 microg kg(-1)). On day zero, subcutaneous fentanyl injections were administered and inflammatory pain was induced with one carrageenan injection in one hind paw. Rats were exposed to low concentrations of sevoflurane (1.0 or 1.5%) on day zero prior to fentanyl injections and inflammatory pain induction, and for the duration of the fentanyl analgesic effect. The nociceptive threshold (Randall-Selitto test) was evaluated daily for 7 days. On day seven, naloxone was injected and the nociceptive threshold was assessed 5 min later. RESULTS: In rats without inflammatory pain but treated with fentanyl on day zero, sevoflurane 1.0% reversed the early (day zero) and long-lasting (day zero to day three) hyperalgesia classically described after high-doses of fentanyl (P < 0.05). This sevoflurane concentration antagonized the hyperalgesia induced by naloxone on day seven (P = 0.33). In a second experiment in rats with inflammatory pain, exposure to low concentrations of sevoflurane (1.0 and 1.5%) did not reduce fentanyl-induced hyperalgesia (P > 0.05), but nevertheless antagonized the naloxone induced hyperalgesia on day seven (P = 0.061). CONCLUSION: Relatively low sevoflurane concentrations (1.0%) reverse fentanyl-induced hyperalgesia in rats without inflammatory pain. Nevertheless, the lack of effect of sevoflurane concentrations of 1.0% and 1.5% to oppose hyperalgesia following high-dose fentanyl and inflammatory pain suggests that sevoflurane anti-hyperalgesic properties are weak.
机译:目的:阿片类药物被广泛用于麻醉,但自相矛盾地通过N-甲基-D:-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体调节引起术后疼痛超敏反应。七氟醚对阿片类药物引起的痛觉过敏的作用尚未在体内进行评估。然而,一些体外实验研究报告了七氟醚的抗NMDA受体特性。这项研究的目的是评估七氟醚对未使用过阿片类药物的大鼠和患有炎性疼痛的芬太尼诱导的痛觉过敏的作用。方法:在Sprague-Dawley大鼠中评估七氟醚对痛觉过敏的作用:阿片类药物初治大鼠,芬太尼(4 x 60微克kg(-1))治疗的大鼠和芬太尼(4 x 60微克)对炎性疼痛(卡拉胶)的大鼠千克(-1))。在第0天,皮下注射芬太尼,并在一只后爪中注射一次角叉菜胶引起炎性疼痛。在芬太尼注射和炎性疼痛诱导之前以及芬太尼镇痛作用持续期间,大鼠在第0天暴露于低浓度的七氟醚(1.0或1.5%)。每天评估伤害感受性阈值(Randall-Selitto测试),持续7天。在第7天,注射纳洛酮,并在5分钟后评估其伤害阈值。结果:在无炎性疼痛但在第0天用芬太尼治疗的大鼠中,七氟醚1.0%逆转了大剂量芬太尼后经典描述的早期(零天)和持久(零天至第三天)的痛觉过敏(P <0.05) 。该七氟醚浓度拮抗纳洛酮在第7天引起的痛觉过敏(P = 0.33)。在患有炎症性疼痛的大鼠的第二项实验中,低浓度的七氟醚(1.0和1.5%)的暴露并没有减少芬太尼引起的痛觉过敏(P> 0.05),但是在第七天却拮抗了纳洛酮引起的痛觉过敏(P = 0.061) 。结论:相对较低的七氟醚浓度(1.0%)可逆转芬太尼引起的无炎性疼痛的痛觉过敏。然而,在高剂量芬太尼和炎性疼痛后,七氟醚浓度1.0%和1.5%的抗痛觉过敏作用不足,这表明七氟醚的抗痛觉过敏特性较弱。



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