首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Why anesthesiologists need to care about the way chronic pain is managed [Pourquoi les anesthésiologistes doivent s'inquiéter de la fa?on dont la douleur chronique est prise en charge]

Why anesthesiologists need to care about the way chronic pain is managed [Pourquoi les anesthésiologistes doivent s'inquiéter de la fa?on dont la douleur chronique est prise en charge]


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about how U.S. physicians' political affiliations, specialties, or sense of social responsibility relate to their reactions to health care reform legislation. OBJECTIVE: To assess U.S. physicians' impressions about the direction of U.S. health care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), whether that legislation will make reimbursement more or less fair, and examine how those judgments relate to political affiliation and perceived social responsibility. DESIGN: A cross-sectional, mailed, self-reported survey. PARTICIPANTS: Simple random sample of 3,897 U.S. physicians. MAIN MEASURES: Views on the ACA in general, reimbursement under the ACA in particular, and perceived social responsibility. KEY RESULTS: Among 2,556 physicians who responded (RR2: 65 %), approximately two out of five (41 %) believed that the ACA will turn U.S. health care in the right direction and make physician reimbursement less fair (44 %). Seventy-two percent of physicians endorsed a general professional obligation to address societal health policy issues, 65 % agreed that every physician is professionally obligated to care for the uninsured or underinsured, and half (55 %) were willing to accept limits on coverage for expensive drugs and procedures for the sake of expanding access to basic health care. In multivariable analyses, liberals and independents were both substantially more likely to endorse the ACA (OR 33.0 [95 % CI, 23.6-46.2]; OR 5.0 [95 % CI, 3.7-6.8], respectively), as were physicians reporting a salary (OR 1.7 [95 % CI, 1.2-2.5]) or salary plus bonus (OR 1.4 [95 % CI, 1.1-1.9) compensation type. In the same multivariate models, those who agreed that addressing societal health policy issues are within the scope of their professional obligations (OR 1.5 [95 % CI, 1.0-2.0]), who believe physicians are professionally obligated to care for the uninsured / under-insured (OR 1.7 [95 % CI, 1.3-2.4]), and who agreed with limiting coverage for expensive drugs and procedures to expand insurance coverage (OR 2.3 [95 % CI, 1.8-3.0]), were all significantly more likely to endorse the ACA. Surgeons and procedural specialists were less likely to endorse it (OR 0.5 [95 % CI, 0.4-0.7], OR 0.6 [95 % CI, 0.5-0.9], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Significant subsets of U.S. physicians express concerns about the direction of U.S. health care under recent health care reform legislation. Those opinions appear intertwined with political affiliation, type of medical specialty, as well as perceived social responsibility.
机译:背景:人们对美国医师的政治背景,专业或社会责任感与他们对医疗改革立法的反应之间的关系知之甚少。目的:评估根据《平价医疗法案》(ACA)的美国医生对美国医疗保健方向的印象,该立法是否会使报销或多或少地公平,并研究这些判断与政治归属和可感知的社会责任之间的关系。设计:横断面,邮寄,自我报告的调查。参与者:3,897名美国医生的简单随机样本。主要措施:对ACA的总体看法,尤其是ACA下的报销,以及人们认为的社会责任。主要结果:在2556名做出回应的医生中(RR2:65%),大约五分之二(41%)认为ACA将使美国的医疗保健朝着正确的方向发展,并使医师的报销不太公平(44%)。 72%的医生认可了解决社会卫生政策问题的一般专业义务,65%的医生同意每位医生都有专业义务照顾未投保或未投保的保险,一半(55%)的人愿意接受针对昂贵医疗保险的限额药物和程序,以扩大获得基本医疗保健的机会。在多变量分析中,自由主义者和独立者都更有可能认可ACA(OR 33.0 [95%CI,23.6-46.2]; OR 5.0 [95%CI,3.7-6.8]),医生报告的是薪水(OR 1.7 [95%CI,1.2-2.5])或薪金加奖金(OR 1.4 [95%CI,1.1-1.9)薪酬类型。在同一多元模型中,那些同意解决社会卫生政策问题在其专业义务范围内的人(OR 1.5 [95%CI,1.0-2.0]),他们相信医师有义务照料未保险的/未成年人保险(OR 1.7 [95%CI,1.8-3.0])或同意限制昂贵药物的覆盖范围和扩大保险范围的程序(OR 2.3 [95%CI,1.8-3.0]),都明显更有可能认可ACA。外科医生和程序专家不太可能认可它(分别为OR 0.5 [95%CI,0.4-0.7]或0.6 [95%CI,0.5-0.9])。结论:根据最近的医疗保健改革立法,美国医生中有很大一部分人对美国医疗保健的方向表示担忧。这些意见似乎与政治派别,医学专业类型以及社会责任感交织在一起。



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