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Top quality standard - Fed up with multiple manufacturing process audits from various aerospace companies? Nadcap is hailed as the answer: an industry-standard approach

机译:最高质量标准-受够了来自多家航空航天公司的多次制造过程审核吗? Nadcap被誉为答案:行业标准方法

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Heard of Nadcap? If you are supplying services such as shot-peening, EDM, ECAA, heat treatment, NOT or laser processing to aerospace primes and their suppliers, then you have or you will, Nadcap is becoming an ever more frequently heard term around the supplier base. Shot-peening specialist Impact Finishers, part of the Wheelabrator Group, first heard the term in 2004, explains the company's quality manager, Christian Tyroll, "The year before last we started to receive communications about Nadcap from Rolls-Royce and Boeing, Both Boeing and Rolls-Royce have made Nadcap accreditation mandatory for shot-peening and/bthers are now getting on board. But before that we had had communications about SAE AS9100 (see page 70), which is an extension of the ISO 9000:2000 standard with additions covering aerospace issues such as controlling inspection stamps, In fact, you have to have SAE AS9100, or another nominated equivalent standard, before you can go for Nadcap."
机译:听说过纳德卡普吗?如果您正在向航空航天零件及其供应商提供喷丸,EDM,ECAA,热处理,NOT或激光加工等服务,那么您已经或将要成为Nadcap成为供应商群体中一个更经常听到的术语。该公司质量经理克里斯蒂安·泰罗尔(Christian Tyroll)解释说,Wheelabrator集团下属的喷丸专家Impact Finishers于2004年首次听到该词。罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)和罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)已将Nadcap认证强制性地用于喷丸处理和/或打磨,但在此之前,我们已经就SAE AS9100进行了沟通(请参见第70页),这是对ISO 9000:2000标准的扩展,涉及航空航天问题的其他内容,例如控制检查戳,实际上,您必须拥有SAE AS9100或其他提名的等效标准,然后才能使用Nadcap。”



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