
Leprosy and the anesthesiologist.


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PURPOSE: To discuss particular aspects of leprosy (complications treatment, special population) that have implications for anesthetic management in leprous patients scheduled for surgery. SOURCE: MEDLINE and manual searches of relevant literature. Multiple MEDLINE searches (from 1966 onwards) were done, using LEPROSY as a common Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). Other headings used were: anesthesia, surgery, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, eye, skin, nervous system, genitalia, pathology, psychology and pregnancy. A large number of references were retrieved, but only 18 of them were relevant to our topic. Others were obtained by manual search and cross referencing. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Leprosy, especially lepromatous leprosy, is a systemic disease, affecting many organs and systems of the body, e.g., cardiovascular (cardiac dysautonomia), respiratory (impaired cough response, nasal obstruction), hepatobiliary (hepatitis), renal (nephritis), ocular (anesthesia), hematological (reduced red, white and platelet count) and osseous systems (bone resorption). CONCLUSION: Investigation of the systems likely to be affected by leprosy (e.g., complete hemogram, liver, lung and kidney function tests, Valsalva response, assessment of ocular anesthesia) should form part of a preanesthetic check up in patients with leprosy.
机译:目的:讨论麻风病的某些方面(并发症治疗,特殊人群),这些方面对计划手术的麻风病人的麻醉管理有影响。资料来源:MEDLINE和相关文献的手动检索。使用LEPROSY作为常见的医学主题词(MeSH),进行了多次MEDLINE搜索(从1966年开始)。使用的其他标题是:麻醉,手术,心血管系统,呼吸系统,眼睛,皮肤,神经系统,生殖器,病理学,心理学和怀孕。检索到了大量参考文献,但其中只有18篇与我们的主题相关。其他则通过手动搜索和交叉引用获得。主要发现:麻风病,特别是麻风病麻风病是一种全身性疾病,影响身体的许多器官和系统,例如心血管(心脏自主神经功能减退),呼吸道(咳嗽反应减弱,鼻阻塞),肝胆(肝炎),肾(肾炎) ,眼(麻醉),血液(红色,白色和血小板减少)和骨系统(骨吸收)。结论:对麻风病患者可能会受到麻风影响的系统进行调查(例如完整的血常规,肝,肺和肾功能检查,Valsalva反应,眼麻评估)应作为麻风病患者麻醉前检查的一部分。



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