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Commentary on clinical applications of argon plasma coagulation in endoscopy. Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates


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Having recently read the article, "Clinical Applications of Argon Plasma Coagulation in Endoscopy" by K. Jane Malick (Gastroenterology Nursing, 29, 386-393), I believe it is necessary to correct several inaccuracies that the author has presented in the Nursing Implications section.First, the author states that all "jewelry, including pierced ornaments, should be removed to avoid the risk of electrical injury." I certainly agree that the majority of jewelry should be left at home, not because of the potential of electrical injury, but rather for commonsense safekeeping.Electrosurgical injuries can occur from the active electrode, cables, capacitive coupling or radiofrequency leakage currents, the return electrode (often inappropriately called the grounding pad), or the monopolar current path leading to the return electrode. If an energized active electrode is placed on the patient outside the operative site, an unintended burn will occur whether the patient is wearing jewelry or not. Burns can occur even if the electrode is not energized but hot from a prolonged activation. It is.important that active electrodes not be placed on patients when not in use, but rather returned to a stand.
机译:最近阅读了K. Jane Malick(Gastroenterology Nursing,29,386-393)的文章“氩气血浆凝结在内窥镜检查中的临床应用”之后,我认为有必要纠正作者在“护理意义”中提出的一些错误之处。首先,作者指出,所有“首饰,包括穿孔的饰物,都应清除,以避免电击的危险”。我当然同意,大多数珠宝不应留在家里,不是因为潜在的电击伤害,而是为了常识保管。电外科手术的伤害可能来自有源电极,电缆,电容耦合或射频泄漏电流,返回电极(通常不恰当地称为接地垫)或通向返回电极的单极电流路径。如果将通电的有源电极放置在手术部位外部的患者身上,无论患者是否佩戴珠宝首饰,都将发生意外灼伤。即使电极未通电而是因长时间激活而发热,也可能发生灼伤。重要的是,不使用时,有源电极不要放在病人身上,而是放回架子上。



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