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DeepVision in-trawl imaging: Sampling the water column in four dimensions


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An in-trawl stereo camera system (DeepVision) collected continuous, overlapping, images of organisms ranging from krill and jellyfish to large teleost fishes, including saithe (Pollachius virens) and Atlantic cod (Gad us morhua) infected with parasitic copepods. The four-dimensional position (latitude, longitude, depth, time) of individuals was recorded as they passed the camera, providing a level of within-haul spatial resolution not available with standard trawl sampling. Most species were patchily distributed, both vertically and horizontally, and occasionally individuals were observed at significant vertical and horizontal separation from conspecifics. Acoustically visible layers extending off the continental rise at 250 m depth and greater were verified as primarily blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), but also included a small proportion of evenly distributed golden redfish (Sebastes marinus) and greater Argentines (Argentina silus). Small, but statistically significant, differences in length by depth were observed for blue whiting within a single haul. These results demonstrate the technology can greatly increase the amount and detail of information collected with little additional sampling effort
机译:拖网式立体摄像系统(DeepVision)收集了连续的,重叠的生物图像,范围从磷虾和水母到大型硬骨鱼类,包括被寄生co足动物感染的赛特(Pollachius virens)和大西洋鳕(Gad us morhua)。他们通过相机时记录了他们的四维位置(纬度,经度,深度,时间),从而提供了标准拖网采样所无法提供的航程内空间分辨率水平。大多数物种在垂直和水平方向上都是零星分布的,并且偶尔观察到个体与同种物种之间在显着的垂直和水平间隔下。从大陆上升到250 m或更大深度的听觉可见层主要被证实为蓝鳕(Micromesistius poutassou),但也包括一小部分均匀分布的金红鱼(Sebastes marinus)和更大的阿根廷(Argentina silus)。在一次运输中,观察到的蓝鳕鱼在深度上的长度差异很小,但具有统计学意义。这些结果表明,该技术可以大大增加收集的信息的数量和详细信息,而无需额外的采样工作



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