首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Improved catch on cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) with a new hauling technique in the Norwegian mechanized bottom longline fishery

Improved catch on cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) with a new hauling technique in the Norwegian mechanized bottom longline fishery

机译:在挪威机械化的底延绳钓渔业中采用新的拖网技术,提高了鳕鱼(Gadus morhua),黑线鳕(Melanogrammus aeglefinus)和格陵兰大比目鱼(Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)的捕获量

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A new hauling method was tested and compared to conventional hauling techniques in the Norwegian mechanized longline (autoline) fishery in April and May 2007. The 51-m-long Norwegian combined gillnetter-longliner M/V "Loran" currently is the only vessel that has a hauling well mounted in the side of the vessel. The line is hauled through an adjustable hatch at the waterline. The well is 3-m high, 2-m long, and 1.5-m deep and is equipped with a conveyor belt that carries fish up to the hauler room. In total, we used 99 2-h series of data collection to compare the hauling methods. The new technology increased the catch significantly: 2.3% for cod, 6.2% for haddock, and 8.8% for Greenland halibut. The new hauling technique reduces hard labour for the crew because no gaff is needed and fewer fish are lost. The results and possible advantages of this technology are discussed in view of responsible fishing techniques.
机译:2007年4月和2007年5月,在挪威的机械化延绳钓(自动钓线)渔业中测试了一种新的拖曳方法,并将其与常规拖曳技术进行了比较。这条长51米的挪威组合Gillnetter-longliner M / V“ Loran”号是唯一一艘在船的侧面装有牵引井。该管线通过水线处的可调舱口拖拉。该井高3 m,长2 m,深1.5 m,并配有一条传送带,可将鱼运至搬运室。我们总共使用了99个2-h系列数据来比较拖运方法。新技术大大提高了捕获量:鳕鱼为2.3%,黑线鳕为6.2%,格陵兰大比目鱼为8.8%。新的拖拉技术减少了船员的辛苦工作,因为不需要鱼钩,减少了鱼的损失。鉴于负责任的捕鱼技术,讨论了该技术的结果和可能的优势。



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