首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Assessing the size, growth rate and structure of a seasonal population of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith 1828) using conventional tagging and photo identification

Assessing the size, growth rate and structure of a seasonal population of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith 1828) using conventional tagging and photo identification

机译:使用常规标记和照片识别评估鲸鲨季节性种群(Rhincodon typus Smith 1828)的大小,生长速率和结构

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Population size and structure of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) remain unknown despite their economic importance to targeted tourism and fisheries and their 2002 listing on CITES Appendix II. Here, we present results from the first whale shark population study in the Western Hemisphere and describe the inherent difficulties of assessing populations using catch-independent methods in free-ranging sharks. From 1998 to 2003, we identified 106 whale sharks using their distinctive scars and spot patterns following 521 encounters at a predictable seasonal aggregation on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef linked to snapper spawning aggregations at Gladden Spit, Belize. Encountered sharks measured a mean total length of 6.3m+/-1.7m S.D. and a range of 3.0-12.7m (n=317). Sexual and size segregation is suggested: 31% of encountered sharks (n=162) were sexed, of which 86% were immature males. Between 1999 and 2002, 70 sharks were tagged with 72 conventional tags and measured sharks (n=63) possessed a mean length of 6.0m+/-1.6m S.D. (range 3.0-9.7m). Growth rates for three resighted sharks ranged from an estimated 0.03-0.70myearu-u1. Resightings of tagged sharks elsewhere on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef indicate that the population is not resident at Gladden Spit and is shared with two other sites possessing seasonal aggregations: Isla Contoy, Mexico and Utila, Honduras. Monitoring whale shark populations at Gladden Spit and the other aggregation sites on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef underpins the region's lucrative and burgeoning whale shark tourism and is key to their local and international conservation.
机译:尽管鲸鲨(Rhincodon typus)对有针对性的旅游业和渔业具有经济重要性,并在2002年列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录II,但其种群规模和结构仍然未知。在这里,我们介绍了西半球首次进行的鲸鲨种群研究的结果,并描述了在捕捞鲨鱼中使用非捕捞独立方法评估种群的固有困难。从1998年到2003年,我们在中美洲屏障礁的可预见的季节性聚集与伯利兹Gladden Spit的鲷鱼产卵聚集相关的521次相遇后,使用了独特的疤痕和斑点模式,识别了106条鲸鲨。遇到的鲨鱼的平均总长为6.3m +/- 1.7m S.D.射程为3.0-12.7m(n = 317)。建议进行性别和大小隔离:31%的鲨鱼(n = 162)是有性别的,其中86%是不成熟的雄性。在1999年至2002年之间,用72个常规标签对70条鲨鱼进行了标签,测得的鲨鱼(n = 63)的平均长度为6.0m +/- 1.6mS.D。 (范围3.0-9.7m)。三只鲨鱼的增长率估计为0.03-0.70myearu-u1。对中美洲堡礁其他地方带有标签的鲨鱼的观察表明,该人口并不居住在Gladden Spit,而是与其他两个具有季节性聚集的地点共享:墨西哥的Isto Contoy和洪都拉斯的Utila。监测Gladden Spit和中美洲大堡礁上其他聚集地的鲸鲨种群数量,是该地区利润丰厚,发展迅速的鲸鲨旅游的基础,这对鲸鲨的本地和国际保护至关重要。



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