首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Geographic variability of sardine growth across the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea

Geographic variability of sardine growth across the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea


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This study describes broad-scale spatial variations in sardine growth across the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean waters using opportunistic samples collected in recent years. More detailed information on spatial, decadal and seasonal growth variations is provided for the Iberian-Biscay region using data collected in acoustic surveys since the mid-1980s. Growth curves are fitted to annual or monthly length-at-age data using a robust Von Bertalanffy model; parameters for recent samples are compared with literature information using an auximetric plot while differences between areas within the Iberian-Biscay region are tested by log-likelihood ratio tests. Sardine growth performance is generally lower in the Mediterranean and declines across the northeastern Atlantic from the English Channel to north Morocco but increases sharply off Mauritania. Lower growth of Mediterranean sardines is possibly associated to the overall oligotrophy of this Sea while differentiation from the Atlantic is likely sustained by reproductive isolation between populations from the two areas. Within the northeastern Atlantic, size- and age related migrations may partly explain differences in maximum length/age and mean length-at-age between neighbouring areas but the broad-scale latitudinal decline in growth is consistent with adaptation to the north-south decline in seasonal temperature gradients and to the annual cycles of plankton production. Within the Atlantic Iberian waters, sardine grows and improves in condition during spring and summer when the allocation of energetic resources for gonad development cease, temperature is close to the annual maxima and plankton production is high. Variation in sardine length-at-age and growth within the Atlanto-Iberian stock area has implications for stock structure and needs to be taken into account in the calculation of weight and maturity-at-age for assessment purposes. No evidence of broad temporal changes in sardine growth within the Iberian-Biscay region is obtained.
机译:这项研究使用近年来收集的机会性样本描述了东北大西洋和地中海水域中沙丁鱼生长的大规模空间变化。使用自1980年代中期以来的声学调查收集的数据,为伊比利亚-比斯开伊地区提供了有关空间,年代和季节增长变化的更详细的信息。使用健壮的Von Bertalanffy模型,将生长曲线拟合为年或月龄年龄数据;使用比色图将最近样本的参数与文献信息进行比较,同时通过对数似然比检验对伊比利亚-比斯开地区之间的区域差异进行检验。沙丁鱼在地中海的生长性能通常较低,从英语海峡到摩洛哥北部,整个东北大西洋呈下降趋势,但在毛里塔尼亚以外则急剧上升。地中海沙丁鱼的较低生长可能与该海的整体寡营养化有关,而与大西洋的分化则可能是由于两个地区人口之间的生殖隔离所致。在东北大西洋内,与大小和年龄相关的迁徙可能部分解释了相邻地区之间最大长度/年龄和平均年龄长度的差异,但横向的大规模纬度下降与对南北向下降的适应相一致。季节性温度梯度和浮游生物生产的年度周期。在大西洋伊比利亚水域中,沙丁鱼在春季和夏季生长并改善状况,此时用于性腺发育的能量资源分配已停止,温度接近年最高值,浮游生物产量较高。大西洋中伊比利亚种群区域中沙丁鱼成年期的长短和生长的变化对种群结构有影响,在评估年龄和体重时应考虑到这一点。没有证据显示伊比利亚-比斯开省地区沙丁鱼生长有广泛的时间变化。



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