首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Octopus magnificus predation and bycatch in the trap fishery for spinylobsters Palinurus gilchristi off South Africa

Octopus magnificus predation and bycatch in the trap fishery for spinylobsters Palinurus gilchristi off South Africa

机译:章鱼捕食和副渔获物在南非多刺龙虾Palinurus gilchristi的捕捞渔业中

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Octopus magnificus inhabits the deep-shelf waters of southern South Africa, where it is a regular bycatch of the trap-fishery for spiny lobster Palinurus gilchristi. We used observer data collected on commercial lobster vessels to assess octopus size distribution, effects of trap location, soak-time and season on octopus catch rates, prey preference upon entering traps (bait or lobster), and octopus-induced lobster mortality rates. Octopuses were absent from traps set at the Agulhas Bank and east of Algoa Bay, and in the remaining area they were present in 54% of longline sets. Soak-times of -24 h recorded the highest mean catch rates, suggesting that many octopuses enter, feed and escape before traps are retrieved. Octopus catch rates peaked in autumn and ebbed in winter, and gut contents showed that 80% of octopus that had a choice between bait and lobsters in traps, ate the bait first. Lobster catch rates were unaffected by octopus bycatch catch rates, apart from -1% of sets which captured >=8 octopuses per 100 traps. Octopus-induced lobster mortality rates in traps are estimated at 2.1%, and octopus is considered to be an additional product of the fishery, rather than a hindrance.
机译:巨大的章鱼栖息在南非南部的深层水域,那里是多刺龙虾Palinurus gilchristi定期捕捞的诱捕物。我们使用从商业龙虾船上收集的观察者数据来评估章鱼的大小分布,诱捕器位置,浸泡时间和季节对章鱼捕获率,进入诱捕器时的猎物偏好(诱饵或龙虾)以及章鱼引起的龙虾死亡率。设在Agulhas银行和Algoa湾以东的陷阱中没有章鱼,在其余地区,它们占延绳钓集的54%。浸泡时间-24 h记录了最高的平均捕获率,这表明许多章鱼在回收陷阱之前就进入,觅食和逃逸。章鱼的捕获率在秋季达到峰值,而在冬季则减少,肠道含量表明,在诱饵和龙虾之间进行选择的章鱼中,有80%先将诱饵吃掉。龙虾的捕获率不受章鱼兼捕率的影响,除了-1%的捕获率(每100个捕获器捕获> = 8个章鱼)。章鱼在诱捕器中引起的龙虾死亡率估计为2.1%,章鱼被认为是渔业的另一产物,而不是障碍。



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