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Catch, discarding, age estimation, growth and maturity of the squalid shark Deania calceus west and north of Ireland

机译:爱尔兰西部和北部鲨鱼Deania calceus的捕捞,丢弃,年龄估算,生长和成熟度

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Deania calceus (Lowe, 1839), the bird-beak dogfish, is a dominant species in trawl and longline catches in the Rockall Trough and the slopes of the Porcupine Bank, west and north of Ireland. It is discarded because the carcass is currently of no commercial value. The distribution and biology of this species was investigated from trawl and longline surveys (1996-1999) of the continental slope off Ireland from 49degreesN to 58degreesN. The highest catch rates were in the depth range 500-900 m on the southern slopes of the Rockall Trough and western slopes of the Porcupine Bank. Males outnumbered females in all but the greatest depths. The length range was 56-117 cm for females and 55-109 cm for males. First and second dorsal spines were used for age estimation and each produced similar results. Age estimates, whilst not validated, ranged from I I to 35 years for females and from 13 to 29 years for males. Comparisons with a published study in Portuguese waters show that smaller and younger specimens not present in the study area were present off Portugal. The results of this study and from the Portuguese study were used to construct von Bertalanffy growth curves for males and females. Mean ripe oocyte number was 13 (range: 6-14). Very few gravid females were recorded and most females were immature. Length at 50% maturity was 85 cm for males and 106 cm for females.
机译:鸟喙dog鱼Deania calceus(Lowe,1839年),在爱尔兰西部和北部的Rockall槽和豪猪银行的斜坡上,是拖网和延绳钓渔获物中的优势种。由于the体目前没有商业价值,因此将其丢弃。从拖网和延绳钓调查(1996-1999年)对爱尔兰从49°N到58°N的大陆斜坡进行了调查,研究了该物种的分布和生物学特性。最高的捕获率是在Rockall槽的南坡和豪猪银行的西坡的500-900 m深度范围内。除了最大深度外,男性都超过女性。女性的长度范围是56-117厘米,男性的长度范围是55-109厘米。第一和第二背脊用于年龄估计,每个产生相似的结果。年龄估计值(未经验证)为女性,从I至35岁,男性为13至29岁。与已发表的研究在葡萄牙水域进行的比较表明,研究区域未出现的较小和较年轻的标本存在于葡萄牙附近。这项研究的结果以及来自葡萄牙的研究被用于构建男性和女性的冯·贝塔兰菲的生长曲线。平均成熟卵母细胞数为13(范围:6-14)。记录的妊娠雌性很少,多数雌性未成熟。成熟度为50%时,雄性为85厘米,雌性为106厘米。



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