首页> 外文期刊>Freshwater Biology >Long-term trends in the diatom composition of the spring bloom of a German reservoir: is Aulacoseira subarctica favoured by warm winters?

Long-term trends in the diatom composition of the spring bloom of a German reservoir: is Aulacoseira subarctica favoured by warm winters?

机译:德国水库春季开花的硅藻组成的长期趋势:温暖的冬季是否有利于Aulacoseira subarctica?

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1. Long-term data on the meteorology, hydrology, physicochemistry and plankton of a reservoir and its tributaries in SE Germany run from 1976 until now. This dimictic reservoir changed from mesotrophic to eutrophic in the 1970s, remained eutrophic in the 1980s and returned to the mesotrophic state after a sharp reduction in P loading in 1990.2. Phytoplankton biomass reaches an annual maximum in spring and consists almost entirely of diatoms. While Asterionella formosa was dominant until 1990, Aulacoseira subarctica became more frequent at the end of the 1990s and was particularly abundant in years with short winters.3. Statistical analyses suggested that these changes were triggered primarily by the mild winters that were frequent after 1988. Climate-related hydrophysical variables and the initial biomass of the diatoms at the beginning of the year, considered as an 'inoculum', were identified as most important. These variables explained 39% of the total variance of the relative abundance, whereas the change in trophic conditions was responsible for about 20%.4. The absolute and relative abundance of A. subarctica was positively related to short ice cover, early ice-out and a long-lasting spring circulation. Owing to its physiological traits, and particularly its ability to survive under low-light conditions, A. subarctica benefitted from short, mild winters. Under such conditions, it could sustain or establish a high initial biomass, whereas the concentrations of the other diatoms decreased over winter. However, this advantage may be lost if further warming causes an early onset of summer stratification. Because of its low population growth rate and requirement for high turbulence, A. subarctica needs long, cold springs to exploit the improved starting conditions and to become abundant.5. In contrast to A. subarctica, A. formosa required a substantial soluble reactive phosphorus supply to compete successfully. The eutrophic conditions until 1990 were the prerequisite for its mass growth under low-light and low-temperature conditions during the spring. After reduction in P concentration from 1990, A. formosa declined and other diatom species became more abundant.6. These other diatoms may be viewed as 'stopgaps' when conditions were not favourable for A. subarctica or A. formosa. Diatoma elongatum exploited brief circulation periods in years with low P loading. Synedra acus and Fragilaria crotonensis, because of their poor competitive ability at low light intensity, reached high density in the upper water column in the transitional period between spring circulation and summer stratification.7. Our study suggests that climate-related variables have crucial impacts on the spring phytoplankton dynamics of deep stratified waterbodies. They can mask the consequences of changes in the trophic conditions and, corresponding to the functional traits of the different phytoplankton species, also decisively control their relative abundances. In this reservoir, the warmer winters and prolonged spring circulations did not only lead to high phytoplankton biomass (despite considerably reduced nutrient loads) but also cause a marked shift in the diatom assemblage during the spring bloom.
机译:1.德国东南部某储层及其支流的气象,水文,物理化学和浮游生物的长期数据从1976年开始至今。该铁质储集层在1970年代从中营养变为富营养化,在1980年代保持富营养化,并在1990.2.P含量急剧下降后恢复为中营养状态。春季浮游植物的生物量达到年度最大值,几乎完全由硅藻组成。直到1990年,福尔摩斯气星一直占主导地位,而1990年代末,南美洲的Aulacoseira subarctica变得更加频繁,并且在冬季短的年份尤为丰富。3。统计分析表明,这些变化主要是由1988年以后的冬季温和触发的。与气候相关的水物理变量和硅藻在年初的初始生物量(被认为是“菌”)被认为是最重要的。 。这些变量解释了相对丰度总方差的39%,而营养条件的变化约占20%。4。南极拟南芥的绝对和相对丰度与短冰盖,早冰期和持久的春季循环成正比。由于其生理特性,尤其是其在弱光条件下的生存能力,南极拟南芥得益于短而温和的冬季。在这种条件下,它可以维持或建立较高的初始生物量,而其他硅藻的浓度则随着冬季而降低。但是,如果进一步变暖导致夏季分层早起,则可能失去这一优势。由于其人口增长率低和对湍流的高要求,南极拟南芥需要较长的冷泉来利用改善的起始条件并变得丰富。5。与南极拟南芥相反,福寿菌需要大量的可溶性反应性磷供应才能成功竞争。直到1990年的富营养条件是春季在低光照和低温条件下其大量生长的前提。从1990年开始降低P浓度后,福寿螺减少了,其他硅藻种类也变得更加丰富。6。当条件不利于南亚底栖曲霉或福寿菌时,这些其他硅藻可被视为“权宜之计”。伸长的硅藻在低磷负荷下利用了短暂的循环周期。中华绒螯蟹和白头翁由于在弱光条件下的竞争能力较弱,因此在春季循环至夏季分层的过渡时期在上水柱达到了高密度。7。我们的研究表明,与气候有关的变量对深层水体的春季浮游植物动力学具有至关重要的影响。它们可以掩盖营养状况变化的后果,并且对应于不同浮游植物物种的功能性状,也可以决定性地控制其相对丰度。在这个水库中,较暖的冬季和延长的春季循环不仅导致浮游植物生物量较高(尽管养分含量大大降低),而且在春季开花期间引起硅藻组合的明显变化。



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