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Inter-annual variation in responses of water chemistry and epilithon to Pacific salmon spawners in an Alaskan stream.


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1. Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) deliver salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) to the streams in which they spawn. However, many stream parameters, such as discharge and spawner abundance, can vary from year to year, which could alter the quantity and flux of SDN.2. Over six consecutive years, we studied responses in streamwater chemistry and epilithon (i.e. the microbial community on submerged rocks) to salmon spawners in Fish Creek, southeastern Alaska, U.S.A. The lower reach of Fish Creek receives spawners of several salmon species, while the upper reach does not receive spawners because of an intervening waterfall.3. We estimated salmon spawner biomass, analysed water chemistry (ammonium, nitrate, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)), and measured epilithon abundance (as chlorophyll a (chl a) and ash-free dry mass (AFDM)) in Fish Creek. Measurements were made in both the upper and lower reaches, before, during and after the major salmon runs.4. Absolute values and relative differences indicated that the presence of salmon spawners consistently increased dissolved ammonium (by 58 [mu]g L-1 on average, 41x over background), SRP (by 6 [mu]g L-1, 14x), epilithon chl a (by 35 mg m-2, 16x), and epilithon AFDM (by 3 g m-2, 8x). Salmon spawners did not increase nitrate or DOC in either absolute or relative amounts. The persistence and magnitude of spawner effects varied among years and appeared to reflect weather-driven hydrology as well as spawner biomass.5. Salmon-derived nutrients can stimulate the growth of primary producers by increasing streamwater nutrient concentrations, but this positive influence may be modulated by other factors, such as water temperature and discharge. To better assess the ecological influence of SDN on stream biota, future studies should explicitly consider the role of key environmental factors and their temporal and spatial dynamics in stream ecosystems.
机译:1.太平洋鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus spp。)将鲑鱼来源的营养物质(SDN)传递到它们产卵的溪流中。但是,许多流参数,例如流量和产卵量,每年都可能变化,这可能会改变SDN.2的数量和流量。在连续六年中,我们研究了美国阿拉斯加东南部Fish Creek的鲑鱼产卵对溪水化学反应和Epilithon(即淹没岩石上的微生物群落)的响应。FishCreek下游受到几种鲑鱼物种的产卵,而上游由于中间有瀑布而没有接收到产卵器3。我们估算了鲑鱼产卵器的生物量,分析了水的化学成分(铵,硝酸盐,可溶性反应性磷(SRP)和溶解的有机碳(DOC)),并测量了表石上的丰度(以叶绿素a(chla)和无灰干物质(AFDM)表示) )在鱼溪中。在主要鲑鱼养殖之前,之中和之后在上游和下游进行了测量。4。绝对值和相对差异表明鲑鱼产卵器的存在持续增加溶解态铵(平均增加58μgL-1,比背景高41倍),SRP(增加6μgL-1,14x),表石chl a(35 mg m-2,16x)和Epilithon AFDM(3 g m-2,8x)。鲑鱼产卵的绝对或相对量均不增加硝酸盐或DOC。产卵场效应的持续性和强度随年份的变化而变化,似乎反映了天气驱动的水文以及产卵场生物量。5。鲑鱼源养分可以通过增加溪流养分浓度来刺激初级生产者的生长,但是这种积极影响可能受到其他因素的调节,例如水温和排放量。为了更好地评估SDN对河流生物区系的生态影响,未来的研究应明确考虑关键环境因素的作用及其在河流生态系统中的时空动态。



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