首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Commercial sponge fishing in Libya: Historical records, present status and perspectives

Commercial sponge fishing in Libya: Historical records, present status and perspectives


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Natural bath sponges (genera Spongia and Hippospongia, Porifera, Demospongiae) have been harvested for millennia to be used as aids to beauty and body tools, in traditional and modem medicine as well as in painting. Recently, a series of severe epidemics have affected Mediterranean commercial sponges fostering the overexploitation of remaining fishing grounds. Furthermore, Mediterranean bath sponges attain the highest prices compared to Caribbean or Indo-Pacific ones but little or no correct information on origin is transferred to the final buyer. A complex network of re-selling activities and the lack of labelling make it almost impossible to track the pathway of sponge trade. Some of the finest Mediterranean natural bath sponges come from Libya. Nevertheless, little information on Libyan sponge banks and trade have been available mostly given the former international ban. Under an Italian-Libyan joint-project it was possible to assess the past and present situation of sponge fishing in Libya, roughly covering a period of 150 years. After rather low production in years 1860-1879, average crop exceeded 40 t/year between 1880 and 1929. The peak was recorded in years 1920-1929 (almost 70 t/year on average). Today Libyan sponge fishery and trade are mostly confined to the eastern area of the country. Less than 10 t/year are currently harvested. According to a preliminary SCUBA diving survey along the Libyan coasts, sponges belonging to the order Dictyoceratida appear to be the most conspicuous sessile invertebrates in the investigated areas. Here, sponges belonging to the genera Ircinia and Sarcotragus (commonly defined "wild sponges" with no commercial value) appear to be more abundant than those belonging to the genera Spongia and Hippospongia. Sustainable approaches to the exploitation of this valuable natural resource such as sponge farming are proposed and discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:几千年以来,已经采集了天然沐浴海绵(海绵海绵属和沙棘属,Porifera属,Demospongiae属),可在传统和现代医学以及绘画中用作美容和身体工具的辅助剂。最近,一系列严重的流行病影响了地中海商业海绵,加剧了剩余渔场的过度开发。此外,与加勒比海地区或印度太平洋地区相比,地中海沐浴海绵的价格最高,但几乎没有或没有正确的产地信息转移给最终买家。复杂的转售活动网络和缺乏标签,使得几乎不可能追踪海绵贸易的路径。一些最优质的地中海天然沐浴海绵来自利比亚。然而,鉴于前国际禁令,有关利比亚海绵银行和贸易的信息很少,主要是。在意大利和利比亚的一个联合项目下,有可能评估利比亚海绵捕捞的过去和现在情况,大致历时150年。在1860-1879年产量很低之后,在1880年至1929年间平均农作物产量超过40吨/年。在1920-1929年(平均近70吨/年)创下了峰值。如今,利比亚海绵渔业和贸易大多局限于该国东部地区。目前收获量不到10吨/年。根据SCUBA沿利比亚海岸进行的初步潜水调查,在被调查区域中,属于梭菌纲(Dictyoceratida)的海绵似乎是最明显的无脊椎动物。在此,属于Ircinia和Sarcotragus属的海绵(通常被定义为“无商业价值的野生海绵”)似乎比属于Spongia和Hippospongia属的海绵更为丰富。提出并讨论了开发这种有价值的自然资源的可持续方法,例如海绵种植。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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