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Spatial patterns in reproductive traits of the temperate parrotfish Sparisoma cretense

机译:温带鹦嘴鱼Sparisoma cretense生殖性状的空间格局

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Reproductive biology and social behaviour of the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense was studied in the Azores Islands, northeast Atlantic, to characterize its spawning season and general reproductive biology in the region, to clarify the species mating system and associated spawning behaviours, and to evaluate the relationship between its reproductive traits and habitat features. S. cretense exhibits a dual mating system where males hold female harems within year-round territories or live in multi-male groups. Group behaviour predominates in smaller size classes, and territoriality in larger size classes. Males mature and become territorial earlier in life than females, and the best territories are held by larger males. The two behavioural modes are usually spatially segregated, with larger territorial fish preferring exposed and deeper reef ledges, and group fish occupying shallower, protected habitats. However, they frequently interact and overlap in space, especially during reproduction in the summer. Our findings indicate a highly competitive system and suggest that high quality spawning sites are important for the reproductive success of both types of fish. Patchiness of habitat along shorelines determines the relative distribution and equilibrium of territorial versus group fish. The complexity of this relationship between social structure and habitat might impact the populations' productivity, and could influence the success of marine protected areas for this species.
机译:在东北大西洋的亚速尔群岛研究了鹦嘴鱼Sparisoma cretense的生殖生物学和社会行为,以表征其产卵季节和该区域的一般生殖生物学,阐明物种交配系统和相关的产卵行为,并评估它们之间的关系。它的生殖特性和栖息地特征。 S. cretense展示了双重交配系统,其中雄性在全年领土内拥有雌性后宫或生活在多雄性群体中。小组行为在较小规模的类中占主导地位,在较大规模的类中具有地域性。雄性比雌性成熟并在生活中更早地进入领地,最好的领地由较大的雄性掌握。这两种行为模式通常在空间上是隔离的,较大的领地鱼类偏爱裸露的和较深的礁石壁架,而群鱼则占据较浅的受保护栖息地。但是,它们经常在空间中相互作用和重叠,尤其是在夏季繁殖时。我们的发现表明,该系统具有高度竞争性,并表明高质量的产卵场所对于两种鱼类的繁殖成功都至关重要。海岸线上栖息地的斑块性决定了地域鱼类与群鱼的相对分布和平衡。社会结构与栖息地之间这种关系的复杂性可能影响人口的生产力,并可能影响该物种海洋保护区的成功。



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