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Salmon and herring school detection in shallow waters using sidescansonars


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This work describes results from two recent field programs exploring the feasibility of high-frequency, side-looking sonar systems for fish detection in shallow waters. The first project in September 1995 was aimed at detection of migratory salmon in the Fraser River near Mission, British Columbia. Using a fixed installation of 100-kHz sidescans looking transverse to the river flow from one bank, individual salmon targets were observed at ranges up to 200 m in waters 4-12 m deep. A second experiment in May 1996 sought to image spawning herring schools using towed and azimuthally scanning 100 and 330 kHz sidescans in a shallow marine region near Escuminac, New Brunswick. Herring schools were successfully imaged at ranges up to 150 m in waters only 3-4 m deep. In both cases, the fish targets were identified and quantified against a background of acoustic reverberation using manual recognition techniques. Example sonograms from both experiments will be discussed. In both experiments the detection efficiency diminished with range due to interference from surface and bottom boundary back-scattering. Occasional, strong interference from boat traffic and breaking-wave induced bubble layers drastically reduced fish detection capability.
机译:这项工作描述了两个最近的实地计划的结果,这些计划探索了高频侧视声纳系统在浅水鱼类探测中的可行性。 1995年9月的第一个项目旨在检测不列颠哥伦比亚省米申附近的弗雷泽河中的迁徙鲑鱼。使用固定安装的100 kHz侧向扫描装置,横向于一条河的河流,在4至12 m深的水域中,在200 m的范围内观察到单个鲑鱼目标。 1996年5月的第二个实验试图在新不伦瑞克省埃斯库米纳克附近的一个浅海区域中使用拖曳并方位扫描100和330 kHz侧扫描来成像产卵鲱鱼学校。鲱鱼学校在深达3-4 m的水域中成功拍摄了高达150 m的范围的图像。在这两种情况下,都使用人工识别技术在声学混响的背景下识别并量化了鱼类目标。将讨论来自两个实验的示例超声图。在这两个实验中,由于表面和底部边界向后散射的干扰,检测效率随距离降低。偶尔,船只交通和破波引起的气泡层的强烈干扰会大大降低鱼类的探测能力。



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