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Variation in the density and species composition of fishes associated with threee petroleum platforms using dual beam hydoracoustics


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The 4000 petroleum platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico have significantly impacted the marine community in the region and constitute the largest artificial reef system in the world. They vary in depth from a few meters to over 400 m and range geographically throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico. Despite the number and ubiquitous placement of these structures, little information existed on associated fisheries resources due to difficulties in sampling petroleum platforms with traditional fisheries methods. hydroacoustics enabled researchers to accurately assess the fisheries resources associated with these structures. From 1994 to 1996 dual-beam hydroacoustics were employed on quarterly research trips to measure the density and in situ target strengths of fishes associated with petroleum platforms in 20,60 and 219 m of water. Species identification was provided by visual point counts using a remotely operated underwater vehicle. Density varied significantly with platform, distance from the platform, depth, platform side and time of the year. Platforms on the continental shelf had a near field area of influence so approximately 18m, while near field area of influence for the site on the continental slope was 10m but the relationship was to as well defined as other sites. Average estimated abundance and 95% confidence intervals over the study period were 26 347 (+-3636) at the 60 m site, 13 444 (+-4578) at the 20 m site and 11 224 (+-2618) at the 219m site. Fishes were distributed throughtout the water column at the sites on the continental shelf while at he 219 m site over 88% of the fishes were found in the upper 60 m. Visual point count surveys detected 10 species, 18 species and 14 species at the 20,60 and 219 m sites, respectively. Despite the large umber of fishes found at each site, 6-7 species constituted over 95% of all the fishes observed at each site and species composition was dominated by a single species at each site. the dominant species changed with site. and the most common species observed at each site included: Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) at the 20 m site. blue runner (Caranx crysos) at the 60 m site, and creole fish (Paranthias furcifer) at the 219 m site.
机译:墨西哥湾北部的4000个石油平台极大地影响了该地区的海洋社区,构成了世界上最大的人工鱼礁系统。它们的深度从几米到超过400 m不等,地理范围遍及整个墨西哥湾北部。尽管这些结构数量众多且无处不在,但由于传统渔业方法难以对石油平台进行采样,因此有关渔业资源的信息很少。水声技术使研究人员能够准确评估与这些结构相关的渔业资源。从1994年到1996年,每季度进行一次双束水声声学研究,以测量20,60和219 m水中与石油平台相关的鱼类的密度和原位目标强度。使用遥控水下航行器通过视点计数来提供物种识别。密度随平台,与平台的距离,深度,平台侧面和一年中的时间而显着变化。大陆架上的平台的近场影响区域约为18m,而大陆坡上站点的近场影响区域为10m,但这种关系与其他站点一样明确。研究期间的平均估计丰度和95%置信区间在60 m站点为26 347(+ -3636),20 m站点为13 444(+ -4578)和219m站点为11224(+ -2618) 。鱼类分布在整个大陆架站点的水柱中,而在219 m站点的上方60 m处发现了88%的鱼类。目测调查在20,60和219 m地点分别检测到10种,18种和14种。尽管在每个站点发现的鱼类繁多,但在每个站点观察到的所有鱼类中,有6-7种构成了超过95%的鱼类,并且物种组成由每个站点中的单个物种主导。优势种随地点变化。在每个站点观察到的最常见的物种包括:20 m站点处的大西洋Atlantic鱼(Chaetodipterus faber)。在60 m处有蓝旗鱼(Caranx crysos),在219 m处有克里奥尔鱼(Paranthias furcifer)。



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