首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Population structure of Himalayan mahseer, a large cyprinid fish in theregulated foothill section of the river Ganga

Population structure of Himalayan mahseer, a large cyprinid fish in theregulated foothill section of the river Ganga


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Studies were conducted to assess the population structure of Himalayan mahseer Tor putitora in the foothill section of the Ganga where the river has been extensively regulated through the construction of two bar;ages and an array of canals for hydropower generation, irrigation and recreation. The age composition of samples, measuring 14.3-98 cm in length varied from 1+ to 9+ and 1+ to 8+ during 1993-1994 and 1994-1995, respectively. The age classes 2 to 4+ accounted for 70-73% of fish, while age classes 5 to 9+ accounted for 27-30%. The 2+ class (33.1%) was largest in 1993-1994 while the 3+ class (32.3%) was largest in 1994-1995. Of all the age-classes, the percentage of 2+ males was high (40.6%) as compared with 2+ females (25%). No males were recorded in age groups beyond 5+. Approximately 95% of fish were immature. It is believed that this skewed age distribution is due to habitat modification resulting from impoundment and perhaps also overfishing.
机译:进行了研究,以评估恒河山麓部分的喜马拉雅山大喜马拉雅山的人口结构,该河通过修建两条水坝,年龄和一系列用于水力发电,灌溉和娱乐的运河对河进行了广泛的调节。在1993-1994年和1994-1995年期间,长度为14.3-98厘米的样品的年龄组成分别从1+到9+和1+到8+不等。 2至4岁以上年龄段占鱼类的70-73%,而5至9岁以上年龄段占27-30%。 2+级(33.1%)在1993-1994年最大,而3+级(32.3%)在1994-1995年最大。在所有年龄段中,2岁以上男性的百分比较高(40.6%),而2岁以上女性(25%)较高。 5岁以上的年龄段中没有男性记录。大约95%的鱼未成熟。人们认为,这种年龄分布的偏差是由于蓄水甚至过度捕捞引起的栖息地改变。



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