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Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) biology and ecology: A review of the primary literature

机译:鲸鲨(Rhincodon typus)的生物学与生态学:主要文献综述

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In the 160 years since Andrew Smith described the whale shark in 1828, two people devoted much of their scientific lives to whale sharks. This period of research mainly comprised documenting the known sightings, captures and strandings of this species. Dr Eugene Gudger collected reports of whale sharks from all over the world and published 47 papers on these sharks in 40 years. Dr Fay Wolfson also documented whale shark records from all over the world and published a bibliography on the species as well as a paper summarising all the known (320) occurrences from published records and verified reports up to 1985. However, life history information during this period was scant. In the succeeding 20 years from 1986, there has been a huge increase in recreational diving and boating activity around the world that has led to discoveries of whale shark aggregations in various places. Together with increased demand and prices for whale shark products this has led to considerable conservation and marine ecotourism interest in the species that has provided the impetus for a number of studies. However, while some further understanding of whale shark reproduction and age and growth has resulted, our knowledge of the species biology and ecology is still poor. Over the last 10 years several tagging and tracking studies have been initiated on whale sharks in various parts of the world. Despite the relatively recent increases in demand for whale shark meat driven by the Taiwan market, there are still few good data in the primary literature from existing fisheries.
机译:自从安德鲁·史密斯(Andrew Smith)在1828年描述鲸鲨以来的160年中,有两个人将大部分的科学生涯献给了鲸鲨。这个研究阶段主要包括记录该物种的已知目击,捕获和搁浅。 Eugene Gudger博士收集了来自世界各地的鲸鲨的报告,并在40年中发表了47篇有关这些鲨鱼的论文。 Fay Wolfson博士还记录了来自世界各地的鲸鲨记录,并出版了有关该物种的参考书目,并发表了一篇论文,概述了已出版的记录中的所有已知(320)事件,并验证了截至1985年的报告。但是,在此期间的生命史信息期间很少。从1986年开始的20年中,全世界的休闲潜水和划船活动大大增加,这导致在各地发现鲸鲨的聚集。再加上对鲸鲨产品的需求和价格上涨,这引起了对该物种的相当大的保护和海洋生态旅游的兴趣,从而为许多研究提供了动力。但是,尽管对鲸鲨的繁殖,年龄和生长有了进一步的了解,但我们对物种生物学和生态学的了解仍然很薄。在过去的十年中,在世界各地对鲸鲨进行了一些标记和跟踪研究。尽管台湾市场推动了鲸鲨鱼肉的需求相对近期增长,但现有渔业的主要文献中仍然没有很好的数据。



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