首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Studies for the Sustainable Management of Oyster Farms in Pukman Bay, Korea: Estimation of Carrying Capacity from Food Availability

Studies for the Sustainable Management of Oyster Farms in Pukman Bay, Korea: Estimation of Carrying Capacity from Food Availability


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To develop a sustainable management model for oyster farming in Pukman Bay, Korea, we estimated the carrying capacity for oyster farming using food availability data. Optimal culture densities were calculated to be 124-133 individuals per unit flux area (m2) and 310-330 individuals per string. The present annual production is approximately 1,038 tons/year, which is 87% of the estimated maximum yield of 1,193 tons/year. Therefore, considering annual fluctuations and a critical buffer to reduce ecological impacts, the current level is within optimal conditions. During periods of increased water temperature, energy demand was largely met by high primary production. The food supply significantly decreased as the harvest season approached, and 10 out of21 oyster farms had a deficient food supply for at least 1 month. Therefore, these farms (39% of the farms within the bay) exceeded optimal densities.



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