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Using acoustics to investigate changes in efficiency of a sandeeldredge


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Acoustics biomass measurements and a sandeel dredge tows were used to sample sandeels (Ammodytes marinus), during six surveys conducted on the Dogger Bank, North Sea between 2000 and 2002. Presented here, is an approach that uses the acoustically determined biomass to estimate the apparent efficiency of the dredge. Simulations were used to quantify the main sources of error in the estimate of acoustic biomass. The estimated dredge efficiencies varied between surveys but were comparable in 2000 and 2001. The dredge appeared to have performed poorly in June 2002. In principle, the use of 'acoustically derived' estimates of dredge efficiency will make it possible to calculate the biomass of sandeels at times when they are not readily available to acoustics (e.g. in April and November). However, before this can be achieved with confidence it is necessary to determine what proportion of sandeels may remain buried in the sediment during daylight hours and better define the target strength of sandeels at 120 kHz.
机译:在2000年至2002年之间于北海的Dogger银行进行的六次调查中,使用了声学生物量测量技术和Sandeel挖泥机拖缆来采样Sandeel(Ammodytes marinus)。疏edge效率。模拟用于量化声学生物量估计中的主要误差源。估计的挖泥效率在不同的调查之间有所不同,但在2000年和2001年之间是可比的。在2002年6月,挖泥的效果似乎很差。原则上,使用“推算”得出的挖泥效率的估算值将可以计算出三e的生物量在声学上不易使用的时候(例如,四月和十一月)。但是,在可以放心地实现此目标之前,有必要确定在白天,可能有多少比例的沙e埋在沉积物中,并更好地确定120 kHz时的沙strength目标强度。



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