首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Use of state-space modeling with a Bayesian approach to estimatetarget reference points for green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotusdroebachiensis) stocks in the Queen Charlotte Strait region, BritishColumbia, Canada

Use of state-space modeling with a Bayesian approach to estimatetarget reference points for green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotusdroebachiensis) stocks in the Queen Charlotte Strait region, BritishColumbia, Canada


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This study develops a state-space modeling and Bayesian approach to a biomass dynamic model of green sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in British Columbia, Canada. The objective is to determine limit and target reference points for harvest quota options for this fishery, and to assess the degree of risk associated with these target reference points (in which risk is defined as the probability that the target reference point will include the limit reference point when all uncertainties are considered). These uncertainties include random variability both in catch per unit effort and in annual biomass dynamics, and uncertainties in catch and effort data in the developing years of this fishery. In addition, the approach uses fishery-independent survey data as auxiliary information to index green urchin population abundance. Compared with the traditional methods of fitting the biomass dynamic model, this new approach incorporates more realistic error structures. The resulting probability distribution for the limit reference point (maximum sustainable yield, MSY) is likely to reflect the true uncertainties about MSY more closely, and can be used to measure the risk of exceeding MSY for setting fishing quotas for this green urchin stock. It is concluded that the current practice of selecting target reference points for this population at 25-50% of MSY has a probability of including the limit reference point (MSY) of <2.5%.
机译:这项研究为加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的绿海胆(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)生物量动力学模型开发了状态空间模型和贝叶斯方法。目的是确定该渔业捕捞配额选择的极限和目标参考点,并评估与这些目标参考点相关的风险程度(其中风险定义为目标参考点将包括极限参考值的概率考虑所有不确定性的时间点)。这些不确定因素包括单位捕捞量和年度生物量动态的随机变化,以及该渔业发展中捕捞量和努力数据的不确定性。此外,该方法使用与渔业无关的调查数据作为辅助信息来索引绿色海胆种群数量。与传统的拟合生物量动态模型的方法相比,该新方法结合了更现实的误差结构。由此产生的极限参考点(最大可持续产量,MSY)的概率分布可能更紧密地反映出有关MSY的真正不确定性,并且可以用来衡量为该绿色野孩子种群设定捕捞配额时超过MSY的风险。结论是,当前为MSY的25%至50%的人群选择目标参考点的做法可能会包括<2.5%的极限参考点(MSY)。



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