首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Reproduction of black drum (Pogonias cromis) in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina

Reproduction of black drum (Pogonias cromis) in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina

机译:在阿根廷里约拉普拉塔河口繁殖黑鼓(Pogonias cromis)

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The reproductive biology of black drum, Pogonias cromis, collected during August 1998-January 1999 from commercial catches in Samborombon Bay (Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina) was studied using macroscopic and histological analysis of the gonads. Black drums are multiple spawners with indeterminate annual fecundity that spawn from October to January. Spawning frequency, determined from the percentage. of females with postovulatory follicles, ranged between 27 and 32% during the spawning peak (October-November) in 1998. At these frequencies, each female on average spawned a new batch of eggs every 3-4 days during this period. Batch fecundity was positively correlated with total length and total weight (ovary-free) and ranged between 90 000 (66 cm TL) and 2 600 000 (130 cm TL) hydrated oocytes. Relative fecundity ranged from 22 to 146 hydrated oocytes per gram of ovary-free weight.
机译:使用性腺的宏观和组织学分析,研究了1998年8月至1999年1月从Samborombon湾(阿根廷里约热内卢河口)的商业捕捞中收集的黑鼓Po(Pogonias cromis)的生殖生物学。黑鼓是多个产卵器,每年十月至一月产卵,繁殖力不确定。产卵频率,由百分比确定。在1998年产卵高峰期(10月至11月),雌性排卵后卵的数量介于27%至32%之间。在这些频率下,每位雌性在这段时间内平均每3-4天产一次新的卵。分批繁殖力与总长度和总重量(无卵巢)呈正相关,介于90 000(66 cm TL)和2 600 000(130 cm TL)水合卵母细胞之间。每克无卵巢重量的相对繁殖力范围为22到146个水合卵母细胞。



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