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An historical review of African freshwater ichthyology


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The history of ichthyology in Africa is reviewed. From the time of the Ancient Egyptians to the present, more than 3200 species have been discovered, drawn and described. Michel Adanson initiated the first material collections during the 18th century.During the 19th century, the work of travelling scientists (Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Andrew Smith) and explorers (including Mungo Park, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza and Henry Morton Stanley) added substantially to developing zoological collectionsfrom their field trips. At that time, many species descriptions were based on fish preserved in these collections. Towards the end of the 19fh and into the early part of the 20th century, knowledge of African fishes was greatly enhanced, especially through the work of Georges A. Boulenger, Albert C.L.G. Gunther and Franz Steindachner, who, respectively, described 640, 119 and 53 species. The majority of the naturalists working in Africa during the middle and later parts of the 20th century tended to specialise in particular groups. In addition to conventional systematic studies, there was a steady rise in the numbers of contributions invoking genetics, specific parasites, and electrophysiology, amplifying fish identification using criteria other than morphology. These methods have proved helpful in finding explanations for the radiation of cichlids in the Rift Valley Lakes of East Africa, one of the most rapid and extensive involving vertebrates. Blending all these methods, descriptions of hitherto unknown species continue to be published. Whereas, until the mid-20th century, descriptions of new species and inventories of existing ones were the principal objectives of ichthyology, interests during the last 50 years have moved much more to the ecologyof fish and to its application in aquaculture and aquariology: it is only during this period that most of the publications dealing with the biology and ecology of freshwater fishes and the science of fish culture have appeared. Brief biographies of themodem ichthyologists are presented, together with outlines of their main contributions.
机译:回顾了非洲鱼类学的历史。从古埃及时代到现在,已经发现,绘制和描述了3200多个物种。米歇尔·阿丹森(Michel Adanson)在18世纪发起了第一批材料收藏.19世纪期间,旅行科学家(艾蒂安·杰弗罗伊·圣·希勒尔,安德鲁·史密斯)和探险家(包括蒙戈·帕克,皮埃尔·萨沃根·德·布拉扎和亨利·莫顿·斯坦利)的工作大大增加了从实地考察中发展动物学收藏。当时,许多物种的描述都是基于这些收藏中保存的鱼类。在19fh末期和20世纪初期,非洲鱼类的知识得到了极大的增强,特别是通过Albert C.L.G.的Georges A. Boulenger的工作。 Gunther和Franz Steindachner分别描述了640、119和53种。 20世纪中叶后期在非洲工作的大多数博物学家倾向于专门研究特定群体。除了常规的系统研究之外,利用遗传学,特定寄生虫和电生理学做出的贡献数量也在稳步增长,从而利用形态学以外的其他标准扩大了鱼类的鉴定。实践证明,这些方法有助于找到东非大裂谷湖中丽鱼科动物辐射的解释,东非大裂谷湖是脊椎动物发展最快,涉及面最广的地区之一。结合所有这些方法,迄今仍公开了对未知物种的描述。直到20世纪中叶,描述新物种和现有物种的清单才是鱼类学的主要目标,而在过去50年中,人们的兴趣已转移到鱼类生态学及其在水产养殖和水产学中的应用:仅在此期间,有关淡水鱼类生物学和生态学以及鱼类养殖科学的大多数出版物才出现。简要介绍了现代鱼类学家的传记,并概述了他们的主要贡献。



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