
Anaphylactoid reaction to pentastarch.


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PURPOSE: To report a probable anaphylactoid reaction to pentastarch, a low molecular weight hydroxyethyl starch (HES) colloid solution. CLINICAL FEATURES: Following a closed head injury, an 18-yr-old male was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Therapy was directed towards control of intracranial pressure (ICP) and maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). In the first 12 hr after admission, he had received 2500 ml polygeline (Haemaccel, Hoechst Marion Roussel Ltd.) and a dopamine infusion (up to 10 micrograms.kg-1.min-1) titrated to achieve a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of > or = 80 mmHg. Subsequent failure to achieve the target MAP resulted in commencement of a noradrenaline infusion (2.67 micrograms.min-1), and rapid administration of 500 ml pentastarch (Pentaspan, DuPont Pharmaceuticals). During the HES infusion, marked hypotension (MAP < 60 mmHg) developed associated with marked truncal urticaria. The hypotension was resistant to escalation of noradrenaline to 36 micrograms.min-1. Haemodynamic stability was rapidly restored and maintained with adrenaline boluses (total 450 micrograms) and infusion (1.67 micrograms.min-1). The remainder of the patient's ICU and hospital stay was unremarkable. A serum tryptase drawn in the first 40 min of the reaction was not elevated. Other biochemical markers were not assayed. Skin testing has not been carried out. CONCLUSION: The temporal relationship and clinical manifestations observed in this case, together with the resistance to inotropes/vasopressors other than adrenaline is highly suggestive of an anaphylactoid reaction to pentastarch. The diagnostic value of serum tryptase may be compromised when blood samples are drawn too early.
机译:用途:报告可能与低分子量羟乙基淀粉(HES)胶体溶液pentastarch发生类过敏反应。临床特征:颅脑损伤后,一名18岁男性被送入重症监护室。治疗的方向是控制颅内压(ICP)和维持脑灌注压(CPP)。入院后的最初12小时内,他接受了2500 ml聚乙二醇(Haemaccel,Hoechst Marion Roussel Ltd.)和多巴胺输注(最高10微克kg-1.min-1)滴定以达到平均动脉压(MAP) )>或= 80 mmHg。随后未能达到目标MAP导致开始去甲肾上腺素输注(2.67μg.min-1),并快速给予500 ml戊炔(Pentaspan,DuPont Pharmaceuticals)。在HES输注期间,出现明显的低血压(MAP <60 mmHg)与明显的截短性荨麻疹有关。低血压可抵抗去甲肾上腺素升高至36微克·min-1。血流动力学稳定性迅速恢复并通过肾上腺素大剂量(总计450微克)和输注(1.67微克.min-1)得以维持。患者的重症监护病房(ICU)和住院时间均未见异常。在反应的前40分钟内提取的血清类胰蛋白酶没有升高。未测定其他生化标记。尚未进行皮肤测试。结论:在这种情况下观察到的时间关系和临床表现,以及对除了肾上腺素以外的正性肌力药/升压药的耐药性,都强烈暗示了类戊烷的过敏反应。当过早抽取血样时,血清类胰蛋白酶的诊断价值可能会降低。



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