首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Survival, growth, and nutrition of tree seedlings fertilized at planting on Andisol soils in Iceland: six-year results.

Survival, growth, and nutrition of tree seedlings fertilized at planting on Andisol soils in Iceland: six-year results.


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A field trial was carried out in 1995 to study the effect of fertilization at planting on the survival, growth and nutrition of tree seedlings planted on Andisol soils at two sites in South Iceland. Nine fertilizer treatments were tested on three tree species Betula pubescens, Larix sibirica and Picea sitchensis. After six growing seasons, seedlings provided with controlled-release fertilizer (OsmocoteReg.: 25 g per seedling) or smaller amounts of easily soluble nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (e.g. 1.2 g N per seedling and 1.4 g P per seedling) showed significantly improved survival and growth. Larger amounts of N increased mortality during the first year. Fertilized trees were less subject to frost heaving than untreated trees. In the year following application of NPK fertilizer the effect was insignificant on the foliar concentration of macronutrients of the fertilized seedlings, compared to control seedlings. It is concluded that fertilizer application during afforestation in Iceland and other areas in the world with similar climatic and soil properties could make the difference between plantation success or failure..
机译:1995年进行了田间试验,研究了施肥对南冰岛两个地点安第索尔土壤上种植的树木幼苗的存活,生长和营养的影响。在三种树种毛白桦,落叶松和西云杉上测试了九种肥料处理方法。在六个生长季节后,提供控释肥料(OsmocoteReg .:每株25 g)或少量易溶氮磷肥料(例如,每株1.2 g N和每株1.4 g P)的幼苗显示出显着提高的存活率和增长。大量的N增加了第一年的死亡率。与未处理的树木相比,施肥的树木受冻胀的可能性较小。与对照幼苗相比,在施用氮磷钾肥料的第二年,对施肥幼苗的常量营养元素的叶面浓度影响不明显。结论是,在冰岛和世界上其他具有类似气候和土壤特性的地区造林期间施用肥料可能会影响人工林成败的程度。



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