首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Regeneration of Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) on karstic lands in Turkey [Review]

Regeneration of Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) on karstic lands in Turkey [Review]

机译:土耳其喀斯特地区的黎巴嫩雪松(Cedrus libani A. Rich。)的再生[综述]

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Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) is significant from the historical, cultural, aesthetic, scientific and economic perspectives. It is presently found primarily in the Taurus Mountains of Turkey with extensive and magnificent forests. Historical records also indicate extensive and splendid forests of it in Syria and Lebanon. However, heavy cutting, burning and goat grazing for the past 5000 years have left only small populations in these countries. Although the same disturbances have continued in Anatolia (Asia Minor), the almost inaccessible topography of the Taurus Mountains has prevented Lebanon cedar from being extirpated.
机译:从历史,文化,美学,科学和经济的角度来看,黎巴嫩雪松(Cedrus libani A. Rich。)具有重要意义。目前主要在土耳其的金牛座山脉发现,森林茂密而宏伟。历史记录还表明,叙利亚和黎巴嫩境内有广阔而灿烂的森林。但是,在过去的5000年中,大量砍伐,焚烧和放牧山羊只使这些国家的人口很少。尽管在安那托利亚(小亚细亚)继续发生同样的骚乱,但金牛座山脉几乎无法接近的地形阻止了黎巴嫩雪松的灭绝。



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