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Barclays Sees 'Bridge' Across the Atlantic in LNG Markets, as U.S. and U.K. LNG Prices Seemingly Converge


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In 2009, liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices across the pond created a virtual "bridge" between the European and U.S. LNG markets, explained Barclays Capital, in a recent report, Natural Gas Weekly Kaleidoscope: A Bridge Over the Atlantic. "For the natural gas markets, a bridge over this vast ocean is beginning to crystallize, with increased spot LNG trade and thus closer linkages between the two continents' benchmark prices," Barclays' report stated. "The two [LNG markets] long danced apart, each to a rhythm dictated by their own regional supply/demand fundamentals. This year, however, their disparate beats have synced." The link between prices on the two sides of the Atlantic could persist beyond 2010, to the extent that excess LNG continues to be pushed into the Atlantic Basin and the U.S. market remains oversupplied, Barclays predicted.
机译:巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)在最近的《天然气周刊万花筒:跨越大西洋的桥梁》中解释说,2009年,整个池塘的液化天然气(LNG)价格在欧洲和美国LNG市场之间建立了虚拟的“桥梁”。巴克莱的报告说:“对于天然气市场,随着广阔的液化天然气交易,两大洲基准价格之间的联系更加紧密,这座广阔海洋上的桥梁开始形成结晶。” “两个(液化天然气市场)长期以来相互依存,各自的节奏取决于各自的区域供需基本面。然而,今年,它们的不同节奏同步了。”巴克莱预测,大西洋两岸的价格之间的联系可能会持续到2010年以后,以致过量的液化天然气继续被推入大西洋盆地,而美国市场仍然供过于求。



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