首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >Worldwide Energy Demand Through 2030 Is 'Patently Unsustainable,' International Energy Agency Warns; Financial Crises Must Not Eclipse Worldwide Reduction in Emissions

Worldwide Energy Demand Through 2030 Is 'Patently Unsustainable,' International Energy Agency Warns; Financial Crises Must Not Eclipse Worldwide Reduction in Emissions


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Average worldwide energy demand by 2030 will increase by 45% (1.6% per year), a trend that is "patently unsustainable" on several fronts: socially, environmentally, and economically, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned in its new World Energy Outlook 2008. The group predicted that oil will remain the world's leading energy source, but declining production rates portend price increases and continuing price volatility. Demand for coal will continue to skyrocket, especially in India and China, and will account for more than a third of the increase in worldwide energy use. Global demand for natural gas is expected to grow by 1.8% per year, fueled mostly by the needs of the electric power sector.
机译:国际能源署(IEA)在其新的《世界能源》中警告说,到2030年,全球平均能源需求将增长45%(每年1.6%),这一趋势在多个方面“明显不可持续”:在社会,环境和经济方面《 2008年展望》。该组织预测,石油将继续是世界主要能源,但生产率下降将预示着价格上涨和持续的价格波动。煤炭需求将继续激增,尤其是在印度和中国,并将占全球能源使用量增长的三分之一以上。预计全球对天然气的需求将以每年1.8%的速度增长,这主要得益于电力部门的需求。



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