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Living stands and dead wood in the Bialowieza forest: suggestions for restoration management


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The Bialowieza Primeval Forest (BPF) is the only forest area in temperate Europe where forest communities have developed a natural stand structure and a natural distribution of coarse woody debris ((CWD) = standing dead trees (SDT) + down woody material (DWM)). Stand and dead wood characteristics are influenced by ancient and recent historical factors and current processes, such as fires, competitive exclusion, storms, insect outbreaks, and forest management. The aim of the present study was to relate CWD to stand characteristics in mesic deciduous forest (Tilio-Carpinetum JQ) and riparian forest (Circaeo-Alnetum (CA)). Direct comparison of managed forest to protected forest provides information about the impact of the forestry practices on TC stand and CWD characteristics. Approximately two-fold larger volume of trees was found in the Bialowieza National Park (BNP) TC stands (from 336 to 555 m(3) ha(-1)) than in the commercial forest ((CF), from 239 to 279 m(3) ha(-1)). Irregular distribution of "legacy trees" (DBH > 90 cm) accounted for most of the variability among the TC BNP stands. Even stronger differences within TC stands were revealed among the various developmental phases (from 147 m(3) ha(-1) in degradation phase to 630 m(3) ha(-1) in biostatic-optimal phase). Difference in rate of stand development was responsible for the variability of tree volume within CA (338 m3 ha-1 in early succession stand versus 634 m(3) ha(-1) in close-to-climax stand). CWD (mostly DWM) contributed about one-quarter of the total above ground wood biomass in BNP TC and CA ecosystems, ranging from 87 to 160 m(3) ha(-1). Higher relative abundance of spruce in DWM than in living stand volume and more spruce in old debris than in fresh debris suggests that the end of the spruce mortality wave was imminent. As a consequence, structural and dynamic changes in favour of smaller regeneration units are expected. A mere vestige of CWD was found in the CF ecosystem. Both stand and CWD data show a negative impact of former management on the forest ecosystems. In conclusion, special measures aimed at the restoration of ecological capacity of forest communities, including legacy retention and management for decadence, have been recommended. There is an urgent need for complementary studies to supply information necessary for successful adaptive management of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 61]
机译:Bialowieza原始森林(BPF)是欧洲温带地区唯一的森林区域,其森林群落形成了天然林分结构和粗木屑的自然分布((CWD)=枯死的树木(SDT)+下层木本材料(DWM) )。林分和枯木的特性受古代和近期历史因素以及当前过程的影响,例如火灾,竞争排斥,风暴,昆虫暴发和森林管理。本研究的目的是使CWD与中生落叶林(Tilio-Carpinetum JQ)和河岸林(Circaeo-Alnetum(CA))的林分特征相关。将受管理森林与受保护森林进行直接比较可提供有关林业实践对TC地位和CWD特性的影响的信息。在Bialowieza国家公园(BNP)TC林分(336至555 m(3)ha(-1))中发现的树木体积比商品林((CF))从239至279 m大两倍(3)ha(-1))。 “传统树”(DBH> 90 cm)的不规则分布是TC BNP林分之间大部分差异的原因。 TC立场内甚至更大的差异被揭示出各个发展阶段之间(从降解阶段的147 m(3)ha(-1)到生物静态最佳阶段的630 m(3)ha(-1))。林分发育速率的差异是造成CA内树木体积变化的原因(早期演替林分中的338 m3 ha-1与高潮林分中的634 m(3)ha(-1))。在BNP TC和CA生态系统中,CWD(主要是DWM)贡献了地上木材生物量的大约四分之一,范围从87到160 m(3)ha(-1)。 DWM中云杉的相对丰度比活林木更高,旧碎片中的云杉比新鲜碎片中的云杉更多,这表明云杉死亡率波即将结束。结果,期望有利于较小再生单元的结构和动态变化。在CF生态系统中仅发现了CWD的痕迹。林分数据和CWD数据均显示了以前的管理方式对森林生态系统的负面影响。最后,建议采取旨在恢复森林社区生态能力的特别措施,包括遗产保留和management废管理。迫切需要进行补充研究,以提供成功进行Bialowieza原始森林适应性管理所需的信息。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:61]



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