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Global forest area disturbance from fire, insect pests, diseases and severe weather events


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Reliable global data on forest degradation and disturbances due to fire, insect pests, diseases and severe weather are important to understand ecosystem health and condition, safeguard production of goods and services and avoid negative impacts on human livelihoods. This paper presents a global analysis of forest area affected by fire, significant insect pest outbreaks, diseases and severe weather reported by countries as part of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015. Between 2003 and 2012, approximately 67 million hectares (1.7%) of forest land burned annually, mostly in tropical South America and Africa. In a similar reporting period, in total 142 million hectares of forest land were affected by other disturbances than fire. Insect pests affected more than 85 million hectares of forest, of which a major part was in temperate North America. Severe weather disturbed over 38 million hectares, mostly in Asia. About 12.5 million hectares were reported to be disturbed by diseases, mostly in Asia and Europe. There were strong correlations between burned forest area and the area of partial canopy cover reduction, as well as between burned forest area and net forest loss. Partial canopy cover reduction is used as a proxy for forest degradation, although it also includes land under management that is not degraded. A decreasing trend in burned forest area was found, largely accounted for by decreased area burned within the last ten years in tropical South America. However, an increasing trend in burned forest area was found in the boreal climatic domain. The data on other disturbances was not suitable for determining any year on year correlations and should be improved in future data collection exercises. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:关于森林退化和火灾,虫害,疾病和恶劣天气造成的干扰的可靠的全球数据对于了解生态系统的健康和状况,保护商品和服务的生产以及避免对人类生计的负面影响非常重要。本文介绍了全球对森林面积的分析,这些森林面积是各国在2015年《全球森林资源评估》中报告的火灾,重大虫害暴发,疾病和恶劣天气的影响。2003年至2012年,约有6700万公顷(1.7%)的森林土地每年都在燃烧,主要发生在热带的南美和非洲。在类似的报告期内,除火灾外,共有1.42亿公顷的林地受到其他干扰的影响。虫害影响了超过8500万公顷的森林,其中很大一部分在北美温带地区。恶劣的天气干扰了超过3800万公顷的土地,其中大部分在亚洲。据报道,大约有1,250万公顷的土地受到疾病的干扰,主要在亚洲和欧洲。烧毁的森林面积与部分冠层覆盖面积减少之间以及烧毁的森林面积与森林净损失之间存在很强的相关性。减少部分冠层覆盖量可替代森林退化,尽管其中还包括未退化的管理土地。发现烧毁的森林面积呈下降趋势,这在很大程度上归因于南美热带地区最近十年的烧毁面积减少。然而,在北半球的气候范围内发现了被烧森林面积的增加趋势。关于其他干扰的数据不适合确定任何逐年相关性,应在以后的数据收集活动中加以改进。 (C)2015由Elsevier B.V.发布



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