首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Terrestrial herpetofaunal assemblages in secondary forests and exotic Lophostemon confertus plantations in South China.

Terrestrial herpetofaunal assemblages in secondary forests and exotic Lophostemon confertus plantations in South China.

机译:中国南方次生森林和异国情调的 Lophostemon confertus 人工林中的陆生草本植物组合。

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Deforestation is one of the major causes of biodiversity loss. Globally, large areas of primary forest have been replaced by secondary forests and plantations, and changes in tree species composition have often led to alteration of plant and animal communities that were associated with those primary forests. Hong Kong has experienced a long history of deforestation and may be one of the pioneers in using exotic tree plantations for forest restoration in Asia. In this study, we sampled herpetofaunal assemblages in native, secondary forests and exotic Lophostemon confertus plantations by transect surveys, pitfall traps, and coverboards. Amphibians were more abundant in secondary forests than in plantations, while the abundance of reptiles and species compositions of both amphibians and reptiles were similar in both forest types. Body condition of the most common reptile, Sphenomorphus indicus (Indian forest skink), was similar between secondary forests and plantations. However, higher proportions of S. indicus exhibited autotomized or missing tails in secondary forests than in plantations, which may be related to higher percentages of rock and wood cover on the forest floor potentially increasing the chance of escape from predators in secondary forests. Secondary forests may provide a better habitat for herpetofauna, we suggest that planting of a mixture of native tree species and thinning of exotic trees may be favorable management efforts to enhance biodiversity in future plantation in South China.
机译:砍伐森林是生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一。在全球范围内,大面积的原始森林已被次生森林和人工林所取代,树木种类组成的变化通常导致与这些原始森林有关的动植物群落发生变化。香港经历了漫长的毁林历史,可能是在亚洲使用外来树种进行森林恢复的先驱之一。在这项研究中,我们通过横断面调查,陷阱陷阱和盖板在原生森林,次生森林和异国情调的 Lophostemon confertus 人工林中提取了草本植物的组合。与人工林相比,次生林中的两栖动物更为丰富,而两种森林类型中两栖动物和爬行动物的爬行动物数量和种类组成均相似。次生林和人工林之间最常见的爬行动物 Sphenomorphus indicus (印度森林石龙子)的身体状况相似。但是,更高比例的 S。 indicus 在次生林中比在人工林中显示出尾部自动化或缺失的尾巴,这可能与林地中较高的岩石和木材覆盖率有关,可能增加了从次生林中逃避捕食者的机会。次生林可能为Herpetofauna提供更好的栖息地,我们建议混合种植本地树种和稀疏外来树木可能是有利的管理工作,以增强华南未来种植的生物多样性。



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