首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Depth distribution of roots of Eucalyptus dunnii and Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata in different soil conditions.

Depth distribution of roots of Eucalyptus dunnii and Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata in different soil conditions.

机译:桉树和 Corymbia citriodora 亚种根的深度分布。在不同土壤条件下的 variegata

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Understanding depth distribution of roots may help develop an understanding of plant productivity and the limits to productivity by indicating which parts of the soil profile are being accessed for water and nutrients. The subtropical east coast of Australia provides climatic and soil conditions that produce some of the highest plant productivity rates in the country. This has been recognised by the hardwood plantation industry and over the last decade a substantial estate of plantations has been established with plans for further expansion. However, two of the major species used, Eucalyptus dunnii and Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, have had little published research directly related to root depth distribution in the area. We examined root depth distribution in established plantations of E. dunnii and C. citriodora subsp. variegata under three contrasting soil types using the techniques of soil trench profile and coring. The results showed that the fine roots of C. citriodora subsp. variegata are at lower densities in poorly structured subsoils than the roots of E. dunnii. The root densities of both species in the subsoils of a Vertosol soil (with high levels of reactive, shrink-swell clays) were lower than for the other soil types. In native vegetation Vertosols are often colonised by grasses with few, scattered trees from a limited range of species. Our findings show lower levels of root growth in the Vertosols, particularly into the subsoil and this is likely to be the reason that productivity on these, otherwise fertile soils, is restricted.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2011.12.033
机译:了解根的深度分布可以通过指示土壤剖面的哪些部分正在获取水分和养分来帮助理解植物的生产力和生产力的极限。澳大利亚的亚热带东海岸提供了气候和土壤条件,使该国的植物生产率最高。阔叶人工林业已认识到这一点,并且在过去十年中,已经建立了大量的人工林,并计划进一步扩展。但是,使用了两个主要物种,桉树和 Corymbia citriodora 。 variegata ,很少发表与该地区根深分布直接相关的研究。我们检查了 E人工林的根深分布。 dunnii 和 C。 citriodora 子亚种三种不同土壤类型下的 variegata ,使用土壤沟渠剖面和取芯技术。结果表明, C的细根。 citriodora 子亚种在结构较差的土壤中,杂色花的密度低于 E的根。邓尼。 Vertosol土壤(具有高含量的反应性,收缩溶胀粘土)的地下土壤中两种物质的根系密度均低于其他土壤类型。在本土植被中,凡脱土经常被草丛生,而草丛中很少有零星散布的树木。我们的研究结果表明Vertosol中的根系生长水平较低,尤其是进入地下土壤中,这可能是限制了这些土壤(否则为肥沃土壤)的生产力的原因。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1016 /j.foreco.2011.12.033



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