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Tracking downed dead wood in forests over time: development of a piece matching algorithm for line intercept sampling.


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Emerging questions from bioenergy policy debates have highlighted knowledge gaps regarding the carbon and biomass dynamics of individual pieces of coarse woody debris (CWD) across the diverse forest ecosystems of the US. Although there is a lack of long-term measurements of CWD across the diverse forest ecosystems of the US, there is an abundance of line intersect sampling (LIS) transects used for monitoring efforts such as fuel loadings. In order to provide an objective method for monitoring the carbon/biomass dynamics of individual CWD pieces for use with LIS, this study developed and tested a CWD piece matching algorithm for inventory plots where LIS was used to sample CWD at two points in time across the eastern US. Results indicated that a CWD piece matching algorithm may be constructed using three steps: (1) matching the location of each piece, (2) matching individual piece metrics (e.g., large-end diameter), and (3) scoring an index of many CWD attributes with adjustment by decay and measurement error (i.e., quality control tolerances). For most forest types in the US, this study's algorithm matched between 20% and 40% of CWD pieces over time (~5 years). The algorithm performed poorly in forests potentially disturbed by floods and/or with relatively high mean annual temperatures and subsequent fast decay rates. Due to this influence of decay, the algorithm attained low match rates for highly decayed or small-sized CWD pieces. The algorithm should not be used to estimate changes in carbon/biomass within a stock change accounting framework. However, the algorithm may provide a method to aggregate a subset of paired LIS CWD observations over time to inform CWD dynamics research at large-scales.
机译:生物能源政策辩论中出现的新问题突显了美国多样化森林生态系统中有关单个粗木屑(CWD)的碳和生物质动态的知识差距。尽管缺乏对美国不同森林生态系统中CWD的长期测量,但仍有大量的线相交采样(LIS)样线用于监测工作量,例如燃料负荷。为了提供一种客观的方法来监测与LIS一起使用的CWD单件的碳/生物量动态,本研究开发并测试了用于库存区的CWD单件匹配算法,其中使用LIS在整个时间的两个时间点对CWD进行采样美国东部。结果表明,可以使用三个步骤来构造CWD工件匹配算法:(1)匹配每个工件的位置;(2)匹配单个工件的度量(例如,大端直径);以及(3)对多个CWD属性通过衰减和测量误差(即质量控制公差)进行调整。对于美国的大多数森林类型,该研究的算法可以随时间推移(约5年)匹配20%至40%的CWD碎片。该算法在可能受到洪水干扰和/或较高的年平均温度和随后的快速衰减率的森林中效果不佳。由于这种衰减的影响,对于高度衰减或小尺寸的CWD芯片,该算法获得了较低的匹配率。该算法不应用于估算库存变化核算框架内的碳/生物量变化。然而,该算法可以提供一种随着时间的流逝聚集成对的LIS CWD观测值的子集的方法,以为大规模的CWD动力学研究提供信息。



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