首页> 外文期刊>Forest Ecology and Management >Understory bamboo flowering provides a very narrow light window of opportunity for canopy-tree recruitment in a neotropical forest of Misiones, Argentina.

Understory bamboo flowering provides a very narrow light window of opportunity for canopy-tree recruitment in a neotropical forest of Misiones, Argentina.


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Chusquea ramosissima is a native monocarpic bamboo species growing in subtropical forests of northeastern Argentina, which can dominate gaps and open forests in the region, particularly after human disturbance. This bamboo species started to flower in different areas of northeastern Argentina in 2001, with the flowering peak during 2002 and 2003 and small isolated flowering events still occurring until 2010. We studied the effects of C. ramosissima flowering and die-back on microclimate, litter decomposition, nutrient availability, sapling growth, abundance and regeneration of tree canopy species. We wanted to know how environmental conditions and ecosystem processes change through time after bamboo flowering and if bamboo die-back would favor regeneration of canopy trees. Twenty 50x50 m plots of flowering and non-flowering bamboo were permanently marked and vegetation dynamics as well as nutrient cycling and microclimate studies were performed. C. ramosissima die-back enhanced growth and reduced mortality rate of tree saplings during the first year after flowering. Only growth of tree saplings previously established was enhanced by the flowering event and tree-species richness and saplings abundance of canopy trees did not change as expected due to bamboo flowering. The short-term effect of tree saplings growth was likely due to incident solar radiation at the forest floor which doubled in the first year after the bamboo flowering event. Increased light availability at the forest floor simultaneously promoted the growth of other understory plants such as ferns, lianas and Piper spp. that rapidly colonized gaps and intercepted a percentage of the incident solar radiation after the first year, which together with an increased litter layer due to the senescence of the bamboo, may have inhibited establishment of new tree individuals and affected tree growth. Contrary to predictions, soil water, litter decomposition and soil nutrients were not significantly affected by bamboo flowering. Thus, successful tree regeneration in gaps following bamboo flowering appears to be restricted to a very narrow window of increased light availability (i.e., 1 year) before growth of other understory plants and rapid re-colonization of bamboo. Changes in resource availability, and the opportunity for overstory regeneration after bamboo flowering events appears to depend on climatic and community characteristics of the ecosystem where the flowering event occurs and also, on the flowering patterns and their synchronicity.
机译:Chusquea ramosissima 是一种原生的单掌竹种,生长在阿根廷东北亚的亚热带森林中,可以控制该地区的空白和开阔森林,尤其是在人类干扰之后。该竹种于2001年开始在阿根廷东北部的不同地区开花,2002年和2003年的开花高峰,直到2010年仍发生少量孤立的开花事件。我们研究了iC的影响。 ramosissima 开花并在小气候,凋落物分解,养分可利用性,树苗生长,树冠物种的丰度和再生方面死亡。我们想知道竹子开花后环境条件和生态系统过程如何随时间变化,以及竹子枯萎是否有利于冠层树木的再生。永久标记了20个50x50 m的开花和未开花的竹地,并进行了植被动态以及养分循环和微气候研究。 C。在开花后的第一年内,ramosissima死亡会促进树苗的生长并降低其死亡率。开花事件仅增强了先前建立的树苗的生长,并且由于竹子开花,树种的丰富度和冠层树苗的丰度没有如预期的那样变化。幼树生长的短期效应可能是由于森林地面入射的太阳辐射在竹开花事件发生后的第一年增加了一倍。森林地面光利用率的提高同时促进了其他林下植物的生长,例如蕨类植物,藤本植物和 Piper spp。第一年后迅速形成的空隙并拦截了一定比例的入射太阳辐射,再加上由于竹子的衰老导致枯枝落叶层增加,可能抑制了新树个体的建立并影响了树的生长。与预测相反,竹子开花对土壤水分,凋落物分解和土壤养分没有显着影响。因此,在竹子开花后的间隙中成功的树木再生似乎仅限于在其他林下植物的生长和竹子的快速再定植之前增加光利用率(即一年)的非常狭窄的窗口。竹子开花事件后资源可利用性的变化以及过高的树木更新机会似乎取决于发生开花事件的生态系统的气候和群落特征,还取决于开花模式及其同步性。



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