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Local variability of stand structural features in beech dominated natural forests of Central Europe: Implications for sampling


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a- Local variability of natural stands and appropriate sampling is often neglected. a- Our analyses are based on extensive datasets (in total about 29,000 trees on 107ha). a- Variability of estimates in relation to plot sizes follows function y = a A- x b . a- Min. numbers of plots and total sampling area for proper estimates were calculated. a- Range of historical and recent studies have been based on insufficient datasets. Current knowledge of the within-site variability of major stand structural features in beech dominated natural forests is limited. Numerous studies have used just several small plots for characterizations of natural stands, but this may lead to generalizations based on unreliable results. This study shows how major stand structural features vary at the local scale, and how suitable sampling may reflect this variability. Stem position maps of three natural forests in the Czech Republic (Zofin 71ha, Salajka 19ha and Zakova hora 17ha) were used. Each vector stem position map representing all live and dead trees with DBHa[control][yen10cm was intensively analyzed using square sample plots of different sizes (10A-10m; 20A-20m; 30A-30m; 50A-50m; 100A-100m; 140A-140m and 200A-200m). Basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, min., and max.) were calculated for every plot size and each of six major stand features: density, basal area and volume of living trees, volume of course woody debris, total volume and proportion of course woody debris in total volume. As expected, the local relative variability of major stand structural features decreased with increasing plot size. For particular stand features, the observed trend was expressed by significant regression models (y = a A- x b ) with high coefficients of determination across all study sites. The results further show that even hectare-to-hectare values are still highly variable; e.g. the volume stock of living trees can range from 474 to 1049m3/ha within one study site. Hence, single samples of 1ha can be poorly representative. We also calculated the minimal number of plots and total sampled area required for estimations of major stand features to within 20% (A plus or minus 10%) of the mean with 95% confidence for particular plot sizes. It appears that plot sizes between 0.01 and 0.09ha would be the most efficient for sampling the above-mentioned variables in European beech-dominated natural forests.
机译:a-自然林分的局部可变性和适当的抽样常常被忽略。 a-我们的分析基于大量数据集(107公顷上总共约29,000棵树)。 a-与地块大小有关的估计值的可变性遵循函数y = a A- x b。阿敏计算出适当数量的样地数量和总采样面积。 a-历史和最近的研究范围是基于数据集不足。目前对以山毛榉为主的天然林主要林分结构特征的场内变异性的了解有限。大量研究仅使用了几个小样地来表征自然林分,但这可能导致基于不可靠结果的概括。这项研究显示了主要林分结构特征在当地规模上如何变化,以及合适的采样如何反映这种变化。使用了捷克共和国的三个天然林(Zofin 71ha,Salajka 19ha和Zakova hora 17ha)的茎位置图。使用不同大小的正方形样本图(10A-10m; 20A-20m; 30A-30m; 50A-50m; 100A-100m; 140A)对代表DBHa [control] [yen10cm]的所有生死树的每个矢量茎位置图进行了深入分析。 -140m和200A-200m)。计算每个样地的大小和六个主要林分特征的基本统计数据(平均值,标准偏差,变异系数,最小值和最大值):密度,生木的基础面积和体积,当然木屑的体积,总量体积和当然木屑占总体积的比例。不出所料,主要林分结构特征的局部相对变异性随地块大小的增加而减小。对于特定的看台特征,观察趋势由显着的回归模型(y = a A- x b)表示,所有研究地点的测定系数都很高。结果进一步表明,甚至公顷到公顷的值仍然高度可变。例如一个研究地点的活树蓄积量范围可以从474到1049m3 / ha。因此,1ha的单个样本可能很难代表。我们还计算出了估算主要林分特征所需的最小地块数量和总采样面积,均值在平均值的20%以内(A上下10%),对于特定地块大小具有95%的置信度。在欧洲山毛榉为主的天然林中,似乎样地大小在0.01至0.09公顷之间是最有效的抽样上述变量的方法。



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