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Habitat selection by forest-dwelling caribou in managed boreal forest of eastern Canada: Evidence of a landscape configuration effect


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Habitat alteration caused by forest harvesting seems to contribute to the decline of forest-dwelling caribou, an ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) inhabiting the boreal ecosystem. To serve as basework to the establishment of conservation measures for the species, we have studied the hierarchical habitat selection of forest-dwelling caribou in a boreal landscape of Quebec strongly impacted by logging. Fifteen females were surveyed by GPS telemetry between April 2004 and March 2006. Home ranges showed a high proportion of 90-120 year-old forests, a low proportion of regenerating forests (20-40 years old) and a tendency to include a greater proportion of 6-20 year-old clearcuts in relation to their availability in the study area. At the home range scale, selection patterns differed between periods, possibly reflecting specific requirements linked to caribou life cycle. Caribou selected open lichen woodlands throughout the year while mature closed forests (>=50 years) were selected uniquely during summer. The 6-20 year-old clearcuts were avoided during calving, in summer and during the rutting period but were selected during spring. Our results indicate that mature forest and open lichen woodlands are highly selected forest cover types by caribou at both spatial scales. Although clearcuts were generally avoided at the home range scale, such avoidance was not observed at the larger scale, the search for 90-120 year-old forests being hampered by a uniform distribution of clearcuts. An a posteriori landscape analysis highlighted the spatial association between 6-20 year-old clearcuts and 90-120 year-old forests, an association that can be explained by the current regulations used in Quebec. Our results underline the importance of pursuing research concerning the impact of such an exploitation regime on the long-term maintenance of the forest caribou in the boreal landscape.
机译:森林采伐引起的栖息地变化似乎导致了森林驯鹿的减少,驯鹿是栖息于北方生态系统的一种林地驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus驯鹿)的生态型。为了为建立该物种的保护措施提供基础,我们研究了受伐木影响严重的魁北克北部寒带森林中驯鹿驯鹿的分层生境选择。在2004年4月至2006年3月之间,通过GPS遥测技术对15位雌性进行了调查。家园范围显示90-120岁的森林比例很高,可再生森林的比例较低(20-40岁),并且有比例更大的趋势。与研究区域中可用的6-20年的清除方式有关。在家庭范围内,不同时期的选择模式有所不同,可能反映了与驯鹿生命周期相关的特定要求。北美驯鹿全年选择开放的地衣林地,而夏季则选择成熟的封闭森林(> = 50年)。在产犊,夏季和车辙期间应避免使用6-20岁的纯净林,而应在春季选择。我们的结果表明,在两个空间尺度上,成熟的森林和开放的地衣林地都是北美驯鹿的高度选择的森林覆盖类型。尽管通常在家庭范围内避免采伐,但在较大规模上却没有避免这种情况,但由于采伐量的均匀分布,对90-120年历史的森林的搜寻受到了阻碍。后验景观分析强调了6-20年的原始林与90-120年的森林之间的空间联系,这种联系可以用魁北克省现行法规来解释。我们的结果强调了开展有关这种开发制度对北方景观中森林驯鹿的长期维护的影响的研究的重要性。



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