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Colombia’s Farc Rebels Laying Down Last of Weapons


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As part of an historic peace deal signed last year, Colombia’s Farc rebel group began the final disarmament process Tuesday, handing over the last of its weapons to UN personnel. President Juan Manuel Santos announced via Twitter that around 5,800 Farc soldiers had already disarmed so far, accounting for about 60 of the group’s weapons. This final stage of disarmament lasts through Jun. 27 and will see the group lay down the remaining 7,000 weapons, according to the UN. The far-left Farc will now move toward taking on a political role in Colombia, with ex-guerrillas taking part in a program to help them transition to civilian life.
机译:作为去年签署的历史性和平协议的一部分,哥伦比亚革命武装力量反叛组织周二开始了最后的解除武装进程,将其最后一批武器移交给联合国人员。总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)通过推特宣布,到目前为止,已有约5,800名哥伦比亚革命武装力量士兵解除武装,约占该组织武器的60%。据联合国称,裁军的最后阶段将持续到6月27日,该组织将放下剩余的7000件武器。极左翼的哥伦比亚革命武装力量现在将在哥伦比亚扮演政治角色,前游击队员将参加一项帮助他们过渡到平民生活的计划。



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