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Go forth and restore:'Citizen science' harnesses help of happy volunteers


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Living shorelines, citizen science and metrics-these were the buzz phra es that sounded so new and unfamiliar to me at the International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR) in Charleston, South Carolina. Things have moved on and this, the 20thanniversary of the ICSR, was time to reflect. As Dot Leonard, co-chair of the ICSR, pointed out, it i all started with concern for water quality, progressed through restora- I tion of oyster reefs (and other species) and on to studies of ecosystem services being provided by these restored reefs. 1 'Metrics' refers to the need to measure just how successful restoration " has been. The importance of metrics has been increasingly stressed in recent years as comparisons need to be made between different methods and systems used for shellfish restoration.
机译:在南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿举行的国际贝类恢复会议上,活着的海岸线,公民科学和度量标准对我来说是新奇而又陌生的嗡嗡声。事情发展了,这是ICSR成立20周年了,是时候反思了。正如ICSR联合主席Dot Leonard指出的那样,我全都从关注水质开始,通过牡蛎礁(和其他物种)的恢复以及对这些恢复后的生态系统服务的研究。礁石。 1“衡量标准”是指需要衡量恢复的成功程度。近年来,由于需要在用于贝类恢复的不同方法和系统之间进行比较,因此衡量标准的重要性日益受到重视。



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