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Continuous cover forestry at Baronscourt


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Baronscourt Estate, County Tyrone, extends to approximately 2250ha. The estate enjoys a moist, mild climate, with an average annual rainfall of 1400mm. Whilst the woodlands at lower elevations enjoy a fair degree of shelter, those above 180m are moderately exposed (hazard classes 4 to 5), resulting in windblow being an ever-present risk. The predominant species is Sitka spruce, but a wide range of coniferous and broadleaved species is also well established on the lower slopes and in the bottom of thevalley. In 1920, the third Duke of Abercorn granted a 150-year lease to the Forestry Commissioners over approximately llOOha. The lease was assigned to NI Forest Service in 1927, and its terms were renegotiated following the devastation of Hurricane Debbie (September 1961) and again in the 1990s; as a result, the Forest Service returns land to the estate as and when the existing crop is clear-felled, the most recent hand-back being for 99ha.
机译:泰隆郡的Baronscourt庄园面积约2250公顷。该庄园气候潮湿温和,年平均降雨量为1400mm。虽然海拔较低的林地拥有一定程度的庇护所,但180m以上的林地却受到中等程度的暴露(危险等级4至5),导致刮风是永远存在的风险。优势种是锡特卡云杉,但在低坡度和谷底也广泛建立了针叶和阔叶树种。 1920年,第三任阿伯康公爵(Duke of Abercorn)在大约100公顷的土地上授予林业专员150年的租约。租约于1927年分配给NI Forest Service,在黛比飓风(1961年9月)遭受破坏之后,以及1990年代再次遭到重新谈判。结果,当现有的农作物砍伐时,森林服务处将土地归还给了庄园,最近的交还是99公顷。



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