首页> 外文期刊>Cahiers de Biologie Marine >Reproductive biology of the speckled shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean)

Reproductive biology of the speckled shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean)

机译:加布斯湾(突尼斯南部,东地中海)中有斑点的虾Metapenaeus monoceros(Fabricius,1798年)(十足目:Penaeidae)的生殖生物学

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The present study describes the reproductive biology including sex-ratio, ovarian maturation, size at sexual maturity and spawning season of the speckled shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean). Samples for biological investigations were collected from the commercial catches of trawlers and tramel nets from January 2007 to January 2008. A total of 4226 specimens ranging from 46 to 170 mm TL (total length) and 0.656 to 39.554 g BW (body weight) were analysed in the present Study. Females outnumbered males by 1.5 to 1 (2533 vs. 1693 individuals). Sexual maturity stages were classified into five categories for females and four categories for males based on the visual observation of gonad's coulour and shape. The spawning season was estimated based oil monthly changes of gonadosomatic index, condition factors and gonadal Maturity stages. The spawning occurred twice a year, with the first peak in May-June and the second more intensive one in October-November. The size at sexual maturity (TL50) was 76.5 mm TL for males and 122.3 mm TL for females. The data presented in this study would be useful for the sustainable management of the speckled shrimp fishery in the Gulf of Gabes.
机译:本研究描述了加贝湾(突尼斯南部,东地中海)有斑点的虾Metapenaeus monoceros(十足目:对虾科)的生殖生物学,包括性别比,卵巢成熟,性成熟时的大小和产卵季节。从2007年1月至2008年1月从拖网渔船和骆驼网的商业捕捞中收集生物学研究样品。共分析了4226个样本,样本范围为46至170毫米TL(总长)和0.656至39.554克体重(体重)在目前的研究中。女性比男性多1.5到1(2533比1693)。根据性腺的性和形状的肉眼观察,将性成熟阶段分为女性的五个类别和男性的四个类别。产卵季节是根据性腺体指数,条件因素和性腺成熟期的油月变化估算的。产卵每年发生两次,第一次高峰在5月至6月,第二次高峰在10月至11月。男性性成熟时的大小(TL50)为76.5 mm TL,女性为122.3 mm TL。这项研究中提供的数据将对加布斯湾有斑点虾渔业的可持续管理有用。



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