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Economic Impacts of Nonresidential Wildlife Watching in the United States


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Wildlife watching has become more popular in recent years. By use of data from the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, the demand for nonresidential wildlife watching and associated consumer surplus in the United States were assessed at the national scale. Participation and trip frequency were jointly examined through a sample selection model. The binary probit and negative binomial models identified several significant factors, including demographic characteristics, resource availability, and costs of relevant activities. Furthermore, wildlife watching was found to have a varying relation with hunting and fishing, depending on the type of decision being made. When an individual made a decision whether to participate in wildlife watching, hunting and fishing were a substitute for wildlife watching. Once the participation choice was made, however, the relation became complementary. Total consumer surplus of nonresidential wildlife watching in the United States was up to $217 billion in 2006. These findings can help policymakers design better programs to promote wildlife watching and assist land managers to improve resource management.
机译:近年来,野生动物观赏变得越来越流行。通过使用2006年全国捕鱼,狩猎和与野生生物有关的娱乐活动全国调查的数据,在全国范围内评估了对非居住地野生动物观赏的需求以及相关的消费者剩余。参与和出行频率通过样本选择模型进行了联合检查。二元概率模型和负二项式模型确定了几个重要因素,包括人口统计特征,资源可用性和相关活动的成本。此外,发现野生动物观看与狩猎和捕鱼有不同的关系,这取决于做出的决定类型。当一个人决定是否参加野生动物观赏时,打猎和钓鱼可以代替野生动物观赏。但是,一旦做出参与选择,这种关系就可以互补。 2006年,美国非居民观赏野生动植物的消费者总盈余高达2170亿美元。这些发现可帮助政策制定者制定更好的计划,以促进观赏野生动植物,并协助土地管理人员改善资源管理。



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