首页> 外文期刊>Forest Science >Impacts of Changing Hardwood Lumber Consumption and Price on Stumpage and Saw log Prices in Ohio

Impacts of Changing Hardwood Lumber Consumption and Price on Stumpage and Saw log Prices in Ohio


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In the early 2000s, increasing US furniture imports preceded declining US hardwood lumber demand and price. In the summer of 2002, however, hardwood lumber prices started to increase as demand by construction industries increased. By the mid-2000s, hardwood lumber prices hit all-time highs. Lumber prices hit all-time highs for red oak (Quercus spp.), white oak, and cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) in 2004, soft maple (Acer spp.) in 2005, and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) and hard maple in 2006. The declines in construction that began in 2006 and reduced lumber exports after 2006 caused prices of all hardwood species to hit low points in 2008 or 2009. In this study, we examined changes in the demand and price for hardwood lumber and assessed how these changes corresponded with stumpage and sawlog prices in Ohio. Stumpage and sawlog prices declined in a manner to that of lumber prices from the mid to late 2000s but were less correlated with lumber from 2009 to 2012. These patterns appeared different from those in previous recession/recovery periods. In past recessions, stumpage prices were less sensitive to economic decline than lumber prices but highly correlated to increasing lumber prices in the recovery years. Saw log and lumber prices also were generally well correlated coming out of past recessions.
机译:在2000年代初期,美国家具进口的增加是在美国硬木需求和价格下降之前。然而,在2002年夏季,随着建筑行业需求的增加,硬木木材价格开始上涨。到2000年代中期,硬木价格达到历史新高。 2004年红橡(Quercus spp。),白橡和樱桃(Prunus serotina Ehrh。),2005年软枫(Acer spp。)和黄杨(Liriodendron tulipifera L.)的木材价格创下历史新高。和硬枫木在2006年。从2006年开始的建筑业下降和2006年以后木材出口的减少导致所有硬木树种的价格在2008年或2009年都跌至低点。在这项研究中,我们研究了硬木木材的需求和价格变化并评估了这些变化与俄亥俄州立木和锯木价格的对应关系。从2000年代中期到后期,树桩价格和锯木价格都以一定的幅度下降,但从2009年到2012年与木材的相关性较小。这些模式似乎与之前的衰退/恢复时期不同。在过去的衰退中,立木价格对经济下滑的敏感性不如木材价格高,但与经济复苏时期木材价格上涨高度相关。由于过去的衰退,锯木和木材价格也普遍相关。



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