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Impacts of laser land leveling in rice-wheat systems of the north-western indo-gangetic plains of India


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We assessed the impact of laser land leveling technology in rice-wheat (RW) systems of north-west India using data collected from household surveys in 2011. We compared crop yield and total irrigation time required per season between laser leveled (LLL) and traditionally leveled (TLL) fields. Laser leveling in rice fields reduced irrigation time by 47-69 h/ha/season and improved yield by approximately 7 % compared with traditionally leveled fields. In wheat, irrigation time was reduced by 10-12 h/ha/season and yield increased by 7-9 % in laser leveled fields. Our analysis showed that laser land leveling is a scale neutral technology, not biased towards large farmers. Farmers benefited by an additional USD 143.5/ha/year through increased yields in RW systems and reduced electricity used in laser leveled fields compared to traditionally leveled fields when estimated by using the electricity tariff equivalent to the average subsidized tariff for agricultural use. This benefit became much larger when estimated by using an electricity tariff equivalent to the average cost of its supply. Hence, assuming an average electricity tariff equivalent to the average cost of its supply in the year 201011 in the country, the net benefit of shifting from TLL to LLL in RW systems in the study area was USD 194 per ha per year. This large difference in benefits indicates the loss due to market distortions by subsidy in electricity and hence, is a matter of policy concern requiring further scrutiny. The RW system in a hectare of laser leveled field required 754 kWh less electricity for irrigation per year compared to a traditionally leveled field. Furthermore, if 50 % of the area under the RW system in Haryana and Punjab states were laser leveled, this would provide an additional production of 699 million kg of rice and 987 million kg of wheat, amounting to USD 385 million/year. Thus, laser leveling contributes to food security and economical use of water and energy resources.
机译:我们使用2011年家庭调查收集的数据评估了激光土地平整技术对印度西北部稻米小麦(RW)系统的影响。我们比较了激光水平(LLL)与传统水平之间的作物产量和每个季节所需的总灌溉时间级别(TLL)字段。与传统的平整田地相比,稻田中的激光整平将灌溉时间减少了47-69小时/公顷/季节,单产提高了约7%。在小麦中,激光平整田的灌溉时间减少了10-12小时/公顷/季节,单产提高了7-9%。我们的分析表明,激光土地平整是规模中立的技术,不偏向大农场主。与传统的平整田地相比,通过使用等价于农业平均补贴电价的电价估算,农民可以通过RW系统的产量增加和激光平整田地使用电力的减少,每年额外获得143.5美元的收益。通过使用等于其平均供电成本的电价来估算,该收益将变得更大。因此,假设该国在201011年的平均电价等于其平均供电成本,则研究区域的RW系统从TLL转换为LLL的净收益为每年每公顷194美元。利益的巨大差异表明由于电力补贴导致市场扭曲而造成的损失,因此,这是一个政策问题,需要进一步审查。与传统的水平场相比,在一公顷的激光水平场中的RW系统每年需要的灌溉电力减少754 kWh。此外,如果对哈里亚纳邦和旁遮普邦的RW系统下的区域进行50%的激光平整,这将额外增加6.99亿公斤大米和9.87亿公斤小麦的产量,每年达3.85亿美元。因此,激光水平仪有助于食品安全以及经济地使用水和能源。



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