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The World According to ATT


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During the past decade, at t has been jettisoning divisions faster than a heavyweight fighter sheds pounds trying to get back in shape for a shot at the title: NCR in '94; Bell Labs in '96; ATT Cable, ATT Wireless in '01; Excite@Home, Small Business Hosting accounts in '02. Earlier this year, it announced plans to stop pursuing residential and long-distance voice customers altogether. I met with Hossein Eslambolchi - CIO, CTO, and president of global networking technology ser- vices at ATT - over a light dinner to discuss ATT's IT strategy for the next decade. In a word, that strategy comes down to services. Not voice services, or even VoIP, but SoIP (services over IP). Eslambolchi told me emphatically, just short of pointing his fork at me, that ATT is no longer a voice company. It is a data company.
机译:在过去的十年中,at&t抛弃部门的速度比重量级拳手减掉体重的速度还要快,试图恢复体形以争夺冠军头衔:94年的NCR;96年的贝尔实验室;AT&T电缆,01年的AT&T无线;Excite@Home,02 年的小型企业托管帐户。今年早些时候,它宣布计划完全停止追求住宅和长途语音客户。我与AT&T的首席信息官、首席技术官兼全球网络技术服务总裁Hossein Eslambolchi在一次轻松的晚宴上会面,讨论了AT&T未来十年的IT战略。总之,该策略归结为服务。不是语音服务,甚至不是VoIP,而是SoIP(IP服务)。埃斯拉姆博尔奇强调地告诉我,AT&T不再是一家语音公司。这是一家数据公司。



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