首页> 外文期刊>Research on Crops >Effect of ethanol and glycerol on suppression rates of various croppathogens

Effect of ethanol and glycerol on suppression rates of various croppathogens


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This study was conducted to determine suppression rates on various crop pathogens in response to ethanol and glycerol. Pyricularia oryzae, Phytophthora capsici, Colletotrichum acutatum, Rhizoctonia solani and Botrytis cinera were completely controlled byethanol at 5 or 10. The suppression rates of the above five pathogens by commercial alcohol (Soju) at 5 were similar to results of high purity ethanol at 5. Suppression rates of P. oryzae by glycerol at 5 and 10 showed 43 and 73, respectively, compared with untreated control. Suppression rates of P. oryzae by ethanol at 5+glycerol at 3 or ethanol at 5+glycerol at 5 showed over 90. Rice injury due to P. oryzae infection was reduced (45-80) by ethanol at 3, 5, and 10, glycerol at 3, or ethanol at 5+ glycerol at 3, respectively, compared with untreated control at 20 days after treatment. Symptom reduction rates of powdery mildew in cucumber plants showed 73 by glycerol at 3 and 68 by ethanol at 5 + glycerol at 3 compared with untreated control, but not by ethanol treatments. Leaf injuries, reduction of plant height and shoot fresh weight in squash, cucumber, tomato, red pepper, watermelon, and rice plants did not appear in ethanol and glycerol treatments at 3, 5, 10, and 20. Thus, ethanol and glycerol can be used in organic crop cultivation because they showed higher controlling effect on rice blast and powdery mildew without inhibition of crop growth.
机译:本研究旨在确定乙醇和甘油对各种作物病原体的抑制率。Pyricularia oryzae、Phytophthora capsici、Colletotrichum acutatum、Rhizoctonia solani和灰霉病菌在5%或10%时完全由乙醇控制。商业酒精(烧酒)对上述五种病原体的抑制率为5%,与高纯度乙醇的抑制率为5%相似。与未处理的对照组相比,甘油在5%和10%时对米假单胞菌的抑制率分别为43%和73%。乙醇含量为5%+甘油含量为3%,乙醇含量为5%+甘油含量为5%,对米疟原虫的抑制率均超过90%。与未处理的对照组相比,在处理后20天,乙醇浓度为3%、5%和10%,甘油含量为3%,乙醇含量为5%+甘油含量为3%,导致水稻损伤减少(45-80%)。与未处理的对照组相比,黄瓜植株白粉病的症状减轻率为73%,5%的乙醇+3%的甘油为68%,但乙醇处理则不然。南瓜、黄瓜、番茄、红辣椒、西瓜和水稻植株的叶片损伤、株高降低和芽鲜重在乙醇和甘油处理中未出现3%、5%、10%和20%的苗条鲜重。因此,乙醇和甘油可用于有机作物栽培,因为它们在不抑制作物生长的情况下对稻瘟病和白粉病具有更高的控制作用。



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