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Analysis of suspected wildlife crimes submitted for forensic examinations in Scotland


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This study describes the occurrence of suspected wildlife crimes submitted for forensic examination in Scotland in 2010. The study aims were to determine which types of crimes were committed, which species were targeted, and the outcome of investigations, in order to assess the contribution of forensic examinations in the prosecution of wildlife crimes. Information on suspected wildlife crimes submitted between January 1 and December 31, 2010 to the SAC Consulting: Veterinary Services Disease Surveillance Centers, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, and to the University of Glasgow, was used. The location of suspected crimes, the species targeted, cause of death, and types of the 188 submitted wildlife crimes were summarized. More information regarding cases involving birds were submitted than cases involving mammals, and included 114 raptors, 14 waterfowl, and 22 "other bird species." Mammal cases (n = 38) included 12 badgers, 8 foxes, 7 deer, 4 hares, and 7 "other mammals." The cause of death was determined in 124 suspected crimes; malicious or accidental trauma was the most likely cause of death in 72, and 33 were poisoned. Forensic evidence supporting criminal activity was found in 53 cases, and poisoning was the most frequent crime recorded. At least five individuals were successfully prosecuted, representing 2.7 % of submissions. It was challenging to track cases from submission through to prosecution and laboratories conducting forensic investigations were often not informed of the outcome of prosecutions or court decisions.
机译:这项研究描述了2010年在苏格兰提交法医检查的涉嫌野生动植物犯罪的发生。该研究的目的是确定犯下了哪些犯罪类型,针对哪种物种以及调查的结果,以便评估法医的贡献起诉野生动植物犯罪。使用了2010年1月1日至12月31日之间提交给SAC咨询:兽医服务疾病监视中心,苏格兰农业科学与建议的有关野生动植物犯罪的信息,以及提交给格拉斯哥大学的信息。总结了可疑犯罪的地点,目标物种,死亡原因以及188种提交的野生动植物犯罪的类型。与涉及哺乳动物的案件相比,提交的涉及鸟类案件的信息更多,其中包括114只猛禽,14只水禽和22种“其他鸟类”。哺乳动物病例(n = 38)包括12 rs,8狐狸,7鹿,4野兔和7个“其他哺乳动物”。确定了124起涉嫌犯罪的死因;恶意或意外创伤是72例中最有可能的死亡原因,其中33例中毒。在53个案件中发现了支持犯罪活动的法医证据,中毒是有记录的最常见犯罪。至少有5个人被成功起诉,占呈件的2.7%。跟踪从提交到起诉的案件非常具有挑战性,而进行法医调查的实验室通常不了解起诉或法院判决的结果。



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