首页> 外文期刊>Cahiers Agricultures >The natural regeneration of Isoberlinia doka Craib. & Stapf. in the Nazinon classified forest (Burkina Faso).

The natural regeneration of Isoberlinia doka Craib. & Stapf. in the Nazinon classified forest (Burkina Faso).

机译:Isoberlinia doka Craib的自然再生。 &Stapf。在纳粹农分类森林(布基纳法索)中。

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The mechanisms of the natural regeneration of Isoberlinia doka have been studied in the Nazinon forest, South of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). This species has been drastically vanishing in this area for a number of years. Given this context, the present study was carried out with the following objectives: to study the structure of the Isoberlinia doka population; to describe the organization of the soil surface; to describe the morphologic development of sexual regeneration; to assess the water content and the life expectancy of the seeds. Results show that Isoberlinia doka seeds with a water content of 15% of dry weight are recalcitrant. Seedlings are cryptogeal and they preferably and quickly develop a deep root down to a depth of 10 to 15 cm before the stem starts developing. They grow better on microsites with a good water balance. Dissemination under the mother tree and suckering encourage an aggregating distribution of the Isoberlinia doka population. The vertical structure has an "L" shape. For a better understanding of the sexual regeneration of Isoberlina doka, complementary studies need to be conducted..
机译:在瓦加杜古(布基纳法索)以南的纳粹农林中已经研究了伊索柏的自然再生机制。该物种在该地区已大量消失。在这种情况下,本研究的目标是:研究多毛伊索氏菌的结构;描述土壤表面的组织;描述性再生的形态发展;评估种子的水分含量和预期寿命。结果表明,水分含量为干重的15%的伊索伯伊索卡种子具有顽强性。幼苗是隐性种子,在茎开始发育之前,它们优选并快速发育到10至15 cm深度的深根。它们在水分平衡良好的微地点生长更好。在母树下传播和吸吮鼓励多伊索氏菌种群的分布。垂直结构具有“ L”形。为了更好地了解Isoberlina doka的性再生,需要进行补充研究。



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