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Analysis of SIDS-related civil and criminal court cases in Japan.


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Thirty-three sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)-related civil and criminal lawsuits in Japan were retrieved from judicial precedent databases "Hanrei Masutar (Judicial Decisions Master)" and "Hanrei Taikei (Judicial Decisions System) using "SIDS" as a keyword. Sleeping posture and developmental stage of occurrence were studied in each of the cases retrieved, whether or not a legal autopsy had been performed. The influence exerted on court decisions by Japanese definitions of SIDS as well as the relationship between causes of death and court decisions were studied. Of 33, two were criminal cases (business/professional negligence on the part of the defendants, leading to death), and the rest were civil cases (claims for damages). Because the decision handed down in both criminal cases was "cause of death unknown", these defendants were found innocent. One of these cases was argued in both the court of appeals and the superior court: these courts found SIDS to be the cause of death and consequently the claim for damages was rejected. Both criminal and civil courts dealt with another case: the former found the cause of death to be unknown cause of death, declined to review. In cases where the sleeping posture was prone, courts tended to decide the cause of death to be suffocation, especially with neonates.Because diagnosis by exclusion is required in cases of a legal autopsy for SIDS, the diagnosis is difficult without an autopsy. Disagreements between the results of legal autopsy and court decisions occurred in eight cases. With such a discrepancy, a detailed case examination is necessary. In 1983, SIDS was defined in Japan in two different ways; one in a more strict sense and the other being more inclusive. The wider and narrower definitions were unified in 1995 by requiring a survey of the circumstances of death in addition to the narrower definition. Because of this situation, the two cases in the 1980s when legal autopsy was not enforced fell into the category of "SIDS in a wider sense." In no case was a defendant found guilty when the cause of death was judged to be either SIDS/ALTE or unknown. Four cases were rejected when the cause of death was judged to be neither due to suffocation nor SIDS, while seven were accepted either as cases of 'joint faults that canceled each other,' or as 'partial acceptance.' In Japan, official views concerning a SIDS diagnosis differ among pediatricians, legal scholars of forensic medicine and pathologists. These differences appeared to influence the legal decisions. Several conferences should be convened as soon as possible to provide an opportunity to resolve the main points of difference between these three professional groups and, thus, attain a unified view.
机译:使用“ SIDS”作为关键词,从司法判例数据库“ Hanrei Masutar(司法决策大师)”和“ Hanrei Taikei(司法决策系统)”中检索了日本的33起与婴儿猝死综合症相关的民事和刑事诉讼。研究了每种情况下的睡眠姿势和发育阶段,无论是否进行了法律尸检,日本SIDS定义对法院判决的影响以及死亡原因与法院判决之间的关系为在33个案例中,有两个是刑事案件(被告的商业/专业过失,导致死亡),其余是民事案件(要求赔偿)。因为在这两个刑事案件中作出的裁决是“死因不明”,这些被告被判无罪。其中一个案件在上诉法院和高等法院均被辩论:这些法院认为小岛屿发展中国家是造成死刑的原因,因此,索赔要求被驳回。刑事法院和民事法院都处理另一起案件:前者认为死因是未知的死因,因此拒绝复审。在容易出现睡眠姿势的情况下,法院倾向于确定死亡原因是令人窒息的,尤其是对于新生儿。由于在对SIDS进行合法尸检的情况下需要通过排除进行诊断,因此如果不进行尸检就很难诊断。在八起案件中,法律验尸结果与法院判决之间存在分歧。由于存在这种差异,需要进行详细的案例检查。 1983年,日本以两种不同的方式定义了小岛屿发展中国家:一个从更严格的意义上讲,另一个从包容性上讲。 1995年,对较宽和较窄的定义进行了统一,除较窄的定义外,还要求对死亡情况进行调查。由于这种情况,在1980年代没有执行法律尸检的两个案例属于“广义的SIDS”类别。在判定死因是SIDS / ALTE或未知原因时,决不会有被告有罪。当判定死因不是由于窒息或小岛屿发展中国家造成的,有4例被驳回,而有7例因“相互抵消的共同断层”或“部分接受”而被接受。在日本,儿科医生,法医学的法学学者和病理学家对SIDS诊断的官方观点有所不同。这些差异似乎会影响法律裁决。应该尽快召开几次会议,为解决这三个专业团体之间的主要分歧提供机会,从而形成统一的看法。



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